Feasibility of STAP for passive GSM-based radar

Xavier Neyt, Jacques Raout, Mireille Kubica, Virginie Kubica, Serge Roques, Marc Acheroy, Jacques G. Verly

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureConferentiebijdragepeer review

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In this paper, we examine the feasibility of applying Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) to bistatic passive radars using illuminators of opportunity. The transmitters considered are GSM base stations and are non-cooperative. Although STAP has been extensively applied to signals from pulse-Doppler radars, it was never applied to arbitrary signals arising from illuminators of opportunity. We show that by computing the appropriate mixing product, we essentially convert the signal of opportunity to a pulse-Doppler like signal, hence making the application of STAP to arbitrary signals straightforward. We finally confirm these theoretical results by using real measurements.

Originele taal-2Engels
Titel2006 IEEE Radar Conference
Aantal pagina's6
StatusGepubliceerd - 2006
Evenement2006 IEEE Radar Conference - Verona, Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Duur: 24 apr. 200627 apr. 2006

Publicatie series

NaamCIE International Conference of Radar Proceedings


Congres2006 IEEE Radar Conference
Land/RegioVerenigde Staten van Amerika


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