Fast ion transport by sawtooth instability in the presence of ICRF-NBI synergy in JET plasmas

A. A. Teplukhina, M. Podestà, F. M. Poli, G. Szepesi, Ye O. Kazakov, P. J. Bonofiglo, M. Gorelenkova, M. Nocente, J. Ongena, Štancar, Contributors Jet Contributors

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan een tijdschriftArtikelpeer review


JET experiments have shown that the three-ion scenarios using waves in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) is an efficient way to build fast ion population through beam ion acceleration by radio frequency (RF) waves. Such a heating scheme is applied to plasmas with at least two thermal ion species. Analysis of mixed discharges with complex heating schemes requires a workflow that allows to model thermal and fast ion transport consistently. This paper is dedicated to modelling of a mixed plasma discharge with significant fraction of fast ions and contributes to development of fast ion transport models. For interpretive analysis with the TRANSP code a JET hydrogen-deuterium plasma discharge with neutral beam injection (NBI) and ICRF heating has been chosen. The task is complicated by NBI-ICRF synergy and plasma magnetohydrodynamic activity, like sawtooth crashes. D beam ions accelerated by RF waves form a high energy tail in fast ion distribution. Significant difference between the neutron rate computed by TRANSP and measured one is observed if the same diffusivity for electrons and ions is assumed. Sensitivity studies show that uncertainties in input plasma parameters and thermal ion transport models are crucial for modelling mixed plasma discharges and increased D transport is required to reach the plasma composition consistent with diagnostic measurements at the plasma edge. Fast ion redistribution by a sawtooth instability is characterised by non-resonant transport due to reconnection of magnetic field lines and resonant transport caused by resonance interaction between the instability and fast ions. With ORBIT simulations it has been shown that resonant interaction strongly affects fast ions of high energies, like beam ions accelerated by RF waves and fusion products. For the considered case, fast ion profiles simulated by ORBIT remain peaked after the sawtooth crashes.

Originele taal-2Engels
TijdschriftNuclear Fusion
Nummer van het tijdschrift11
StatusGepubliceerd - nov. 2021


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