Discharge initiation by ICRF antenna in IShTAR

Matěj Tripský, Tom Wauters, Rodolphe D'Inca, Kristel Crombé, Jonathan Jacquot, Roman Ochoukov, Fabrice Louche, Mariia Usoltceva, Ana Kostic, Anatoli Lyssoivan, Jean Marie Noterdaeme, Michael Van Schoor

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan een tijdschriftCongresartikelpeer review


IShTAR is a linear magnetized plasma test facility dedicated to the investigation of RF wave/plasma interaction. The IShTAR ICRF system consists of a single strap RF antenna. When using the antenna for plasma production without an external plasma source, it is shown that the plasma is either produced in front of the antenna strap or inside the antenna box depending on the antenna parameters. Here, we present experimental and numerical investigation of the plasma initiation parametric dependencies. Detailed pressure and RF power scans were performed in helium at f = 5.22 MHz and f = 42.06 MHz. The experiment shows the parameter ranges for which the plasma is produced in front of the strap, or inside the antenna box. These ranges are validated by simulations with the RFdinity model, and by theoretical predictions.

Originele taal-2Engels
TijdschriftEPJ Web of Conferences
StatusGepubliceerd - 23 okt. 2017
Evenement22nd Topical Conference on Radio-Frequency Power in Plasmas 2017 - Aix en Provence, Frankrijk
Duur: 30 mei 20172 jun. 2017


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