Chemo-radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone in the pre-operative treatment of resectable rectal cancer

Laurence Goethals, K. Haustermans, C. Perneel, B. Bussels, A. D'Hoore, K. Geboes, N. Ectors, E. Van Cutsem, W. Van den Bogaert, F. Penninckx

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan een tijdschriftArtikelpeer review


Aim: To determine the differences in downstaging, local control (LC), disease free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) between combined pre-operative chemoradiation and pre-operative radiotherapy alone in the treatment of resectable rectal cancer. Methods: One hundred and ten patients who underwent pre-operative radiotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy were reviewed. Fifty-seven patients were treated with radiotherapy (30 Gy/3 Gy) alone and 53 patients with chemo-radiotherapy (bolus 5FU+45 Gy/1.8 Gy). The median interval between the end of neo-adjuvant treatment and surgery was 28 and 46 days for the patients treated with radiotherapy alone and chemo-radiotherapy. Results: The groups were homogeneously distributed for all characteristics except for cN-stage with more clinically node positive patients in the combined modality treatment group (47 vs 73%). A significant downstaging for tumour and/or lymph node status was observed in both groups. More ypT0-x-is were observed after chemoradiation than after radiotherapy alone (26 vs 7%; p=0.02). The local control rate at 3 years was 94% for both groups. DFS after radiation and chemoradiation was comparable with a 3-year DFS of 83 and 88%, respectively. Conclusion: Both pre-operative schemes have similar outcomes concerning DFS, OS and LC. Tumour downstaging is associated with improved survival.

Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)969-976
Aantal pagina's8
TijdschriftEuropean Journal of Surgical Oncology
Nummer van het tijdschrift9
StatusGepubliceerd - nov. 2005


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