Analysis of the phase control of the ITER ICRH antenna array. Influence on the load resilience and radiated power spectrum

A. Messiaen, D. Swain, J. Ongena, M. Vervier

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureConferentiebijdragepeer review


The paper analyses how the phasing of the ITER ICRH 24 strap array evolves from the power sources up to the strap currents of the antenna. The study of the phasing control and coherence through the feeding circuits with prematching and automatic matching and decoupling network is made by modeling starting from the TOPICA matrix of the antenna array for a low coupling plasma profile and for current drive phasing (worst case for mutual coupling effects). The main results of the analysis are: (i) the strap current amplitude is well controlled by the antinode Vmax amplitude of the feeding lines, (ii) the best toroidal phasing control is done by the adjustment of the mean phase of Vmax of each poloidal straps column, (iii) with well adjusted system the largest strap current phasing error is ±20°, (iv) the effect on load resilience remains well below the maximum affordable VSWR of the generators, (v) the effect on the radiated power spectrum versus k// computed by means of the coupling code ANTITER II remains small for the considered cases.

Originele taal-2Engels
TitelRadio Frequency Power in Plasmas
SubtitelProceedings of the 21St Topical Conference
RedacteurenRobert I. Pinsker
UitgeverijAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
ISBN van elektronische versie9780735413368
StatusGepubliceerd - 10 dec. 2015
Evenement21st Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Power in Plasmas - Lake Arrowhead, Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Duur: 27 apr. 201529 apr. 2015

Publicatie series

NaamAIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN van geprinte versie0094-243X
ISSN van elektronische versie1551-7616


Congres21st Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Power in Plasmas
Land/RegioVerenigde Staten van Amerika
StadLake Arrowhead


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