Algorithms for determining the radial profile of the photoelastic coefficient in glass and polymer optical fibers

Sophie Acheroy, Patrick Merken, Thomas Geernaert, Heidi Ottevaere, Hugo Thienpont, Francis Berghmans

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan een tijdschriftArtikelpeer review


We discuss two algorithms to determine the value and the radial profile of the photoelastic coefficient C in glass and polymer optical fibers. We conclude that C is constant over the fiber cross-sections, with exception of silica glass fibers containing a fluorine-doped depressed cladding. In the undoped and Ge-doped parts of these silica glass fibers we find a consistent value for C that is slightly larger than in bulk silica. In the fluorine-doped trenches of the absolute value of C decreases with about 27%. In polymethyl methacrylate optical fibers, the value of C significantly varies from fiber to fiber.

Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)18943-18954
Aantal pagina's12
TijdschriftOptics Express
Nummer van het tijdschrift15
StatusGepubliceerd - 27 jul. 2015


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