3D scanning technique for morphological analysis of behind armour blunt trauma

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In this paper, a 3D scanning method was used to measure behind armour blunt trauma (BABT). Ballistic tests were performed using two different bimetallic projectiles against armour panels consisting of 36 plies of DYNEEMA® SB21, mounted on blocks of red Weible® plastilina. The deformed surfaces of the witness material were meticulously scanned to isolate the imprinted indentations, allowing a comprehensive topological analysis to estimate various BABT quantifiers. In addition, detailed examinations of the deformed projectiles and damaged armour panels were carried out, including counting of the number of perforated plies. The added value of using 3D scanning techniques to more precisely assess the performance of armour panels in mitigating BABT was demonstrated. This approach facilitates more accurate measurements compared to conventional methods. It provides not only the depth of the imprinted cavities, but also the access to a more complete set of topological information to potentially further the understanding of ballistic trauma mechanics. In addition, these records allow the information contained in the imprints to be preserved for possible additional analysis.

Originele taal-2Engels
TijdschriftInternational Journal of Impact Engineering
StatusGepubliceerd - okt. 2024


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