Projecten per jaar
HYPER-IP: Hyperspectral Imaging Platform for the European Defence
Haelterman, R. (Promotor), Hosteaux, S. (Onderzoeker) & De Meulemeester, H. (Onderzoeker)
11/12/24 → 10/07/27
Project: Onderzoek
JEMHy: Jet Engine Health Monitoring using Hyperspectral Imaging and Artificial Intelligence
Haelterman, R. (Promotor) & Hosteaux, S. (Onderzoeker)
1/08/23 → 31/07/26
Project: Onderzoek
TeChBioT: Surveillance and Reconnaissance Techniques for Chemical and Biological Threats
Fernandez Velasco, L. (Promotor), Olarte, R. O. (Onderzoeker), Haelterman, R. (Onderzoeker) & Hosteaux, S. (Onderzoeker)
1/12/22 → 30/11/25
Project: Onderzoek
Niet gestart
MinDec-VIR: Land-Mine Detection using Visible and Infrared Imaging
Hosteaux, S. (Promotor) & Simoens, B. (Promotor)
1/10/25 → 30/09/29
Project: Onderzoek
DAP/19-05: The analysis of combustion plumes through hyperspectral imaging
Haelterman, R. (Promotor), Francotte, L. (Onderzoeker), Hosteaux, S. (Onderzoeker), Shimoni, M. (Onderzoeker), Van Dijck, B. (Onderzoeker) & Vandenhoeke, A. (Onderzoeker)
1/04/19 → 30/06/23
Project: Onderzoek