Lionel Gilson



    Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar

    Persoonlijk profiel


    As a Research Engineer in Materials Science, my professional activities focus on understanding the mechanical response of materials under different loading conditions and investigating their structural changes at macro and micro scales. My main centre of attention is on the dynamic behaviour and advanced characterisation of materials to improve the knowledge of the safety and effectiveness of ballistic and blast protective structures, such as bulletproof vests. My research includes projects such as the development of combinations of ballistic textiles and granular materials to counter Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). I have also conducted in-depth studies on Behind Armour Blunt Trauma (BABT) to further understand the protective capabilities of body armour. More recently, I have been investigating the influence of ageing on the performance of ballistic materials used in soft body armour. My current work involves investigating the quasi-static and dynamic responses of materials for additively manufactured parts and structures. My expertise includes experimental methods and advanced explicit/implicit numerical simulations such as Finite Element Modelling (FEM), Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) methods and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). In addition to my research activities, I act as an internal auditor for our laboratory quality systems, ensuring compliance with the ISO 17025 standard. I also contribute to expert analyses and evaluate project proposals for the European Research Executive Agency (European Commission).

    Opleiding / Academische kwalificatie

    Polytechniek, Ph.D., Doctorat en Mécanique des solides, des matériaux, des structures et des surfaces, UNIVERSITE DE LILLE

    2 dec. 201312 dec. 2017

    Datum van toekenning: 12 dec. 2017

    Polytechniek, Ph.D., Doctorat en Sciences Appliquées, Koninklijke Militaire School

    2 dec. 201312 dec. 2017

    Datum van toekenning: 12 dec. 2017

    Polytechniek, Doctorandus, Ingénieur civil en Science des matériaux, Université Libre de Bruxelles

    15 sep. 200030 jun. 2005

    Datum van toekenning: 30 jun. 2005

    Externe posities

    Scientific Collaborator, Université catholique de Louvain/Communautté franc¸aise de Belgique

    18 nov. 202417 nov. 2025

    Associate Researcher and Invited Lecturer, Unité de Mécanique de Lille - Joseph Boussinesq (UML)

    1 jun. 2018 → …


    • TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
    • TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
    • TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy
    • U Military Science (General)


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