Cyril Robbe

Vorser, PhD, Ir.


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    Cyril Robbe is a mandated researcher at the Royal military academy (RMA). He's currently the head of the "Internal ballistics" and "Human body response" research units at the "Weapon Systems and Ballistics" department (ABAL). 

    He received his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering in 2007 and an extra master in management in 2008 from the Université Catholique de Louvain. He received his Doctoral Degree in applied sciences and engineering sciences in 2013 from the Royal military academy and the Université de Liège (ULiège).

    He's working at the ABAL department since 2009 in various fields related to ballistics. His fields of expertise cover experimental ballistics, ballistic metrology, the evaluation of non-lethal weapons, the experimental evaluation of Behind Armour Blunt Trauma, Wound ballistics, and small calibre internal ballistics.


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