The influence of an ITER-like wall on disruptions at JET

P. C. De Vries, M. Baruzzo, G. M.D. Hogeweij, S. Jachmich, E. Joffrin, P. J. Lomas, G. F. Matthews, A. Murari, I. Nunes, T. Pütterich, C. Reux, J. Vega

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticleRevue par des pairs


In order to preserve the integrity of large tokamaks such as ITER, the number of disruptions has to be limited. JET has operated previously with a low frequency of disruptions (i.e., disruption rate) of 3.4% [P. C. de Vries et al., Nucl. Fusion 51, 053018 (2011)]. The start of operations with the new full-metal ITER-like wall at JET showed a marked rise in the disruption rate to 10%. A full survey was carried out to identify the root causes, the chain-of-events and classifying each disruption, similar to a previous analysis for carbon-wall operations. It showed the improvements made to avoid various disruption classes, but also indicated those disruption types responsible for the enhanced disruption rate. The latter can be mainly attributed to disruptions due to too high core radiation but also due to density control issues and error field locked modes. Detailed technical and physics understanding of disruption causes is essential for devising optimized strategies to avoid or mitigate these events.

langue originaleAnglais
Numéro d'article056101
journalPhysics of Plasmas
Numéro de publication5
Les DOIs
étatPublié - mai 2014

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