Study of the coupling of distributed ICRH antenna & of its optimization for heating of large machines as DEMO

A. Messiaen, R. Ragona

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à une conférence NON PUBLIEEPapierRevue par des pairs


Traveling Wave Antennas (TWA) sections constituted by toroidal arrays of inductively coupled straps are considered for the ICRF heating of DEMO. They are mounted in resonant ring(s) configuration to obtain the appropriate feeding, matching and load resilience conditions [1]. On top of the minimization of the distance plasma-wave cutoff their coupling conditions can be optimized by (i) the increase of the total strap number, (ii) the choice of a radiated power spectrum centered on an as low as possible |k| allowing still single pass absorption and avoiding coaxial modes excitation, (iii) the largest possible effective strap length lstr with uniform current amplitude. It is shown that a significant power capability increase with respect to the ITER antenna can be obtained for the same radiating surface and plasma profile mainly due to the absence of vertical septa between the straps.

langue originaleAnglais
étatPublié - 2016
Evénement43rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2016 - Leuven, Belgique
Durée: 4 juil. 20168 juil. 2016

Une conférence

Une conférence43rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2016
La villeLeuven

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