Role of NBI fuelling in contributing to density peaking between the ICRH and NBI identity plasmas on JET

T. Tala, F. Eriksson, P. Mantica, A. Mariani, A. Salmi, E. R. Solano, I. S. Carvalho, A. Chomiczewska, E. Delabie, J. Ferreira, E. Fransson, L. Horvath, P. Jacquet, D. King, A. Kirjasuo, S. Leerink, E. Lerche, C. Maggi, M. Marin, M. MaslovS. Menmuir, R. B. Morales, V. Naulin, M. F.F. Nave, H. Nordman, C. Perez Von Thun, P. A. Schneider, M. Sertoli, K. Tanaka, J. E.T. Contributors

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Earth and Planetary Sciences


Chemical Engineering