Reinstated JET ICRF ILA: Overview and Results

Pierre Dumortier, Frédéric Durodié, Trevor Blackman, Walid Helou, Philippe Jacquet, Ernesto Lerche, Igor Monakhov, Craig Noble, Volodymyr Bobkov, Richard Goulding, Michael Kaufman, Dirk Van Eester

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticle de conférenceRevue par des pairs


The works undertaken to reinstate the JET ICRF ILA are reviewed. The vacuum matching capacitors were replaced, an extensive calibration of all the measurements in the RF circuit was carried out, new simulation tools were created and new control algorithms were implemented for the-toroidal and poloidal-phase control of the array as well as for the matching of the second stage. A review of the contribution of the reinstated ILA to the JET programme during the last campaigns is given showing namely that the new controls allowed extending the range of the operation to lower (29MHz) and higher (51MHz) frequencies than previously achieved and allowed more flexible and reliable operation. Operation with coupled power levels up to 2.8MW and voltages up to 40kV was achieved. ILA results on plasma are discussed and emphasis is given to the features of interest for ITER.

langue originaleAnglais
Numéro d'article03010
journalEPJ Web of Conferences
Les DOIs
étatPublié - 23 oct. 2017
Evénement22nd Topical Conference on Radio-Frequency Power in Plasmas 2017 - Aix en Provence, France
Durée: 30 mai 20172 juin 2017

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