On the feasibility of DVB-T based passive radar with a single receiver channel

Osama Mahfoudia, François Horlin, Xavier Neyt

Résultats de recherche: Chapitre dans un livre, un rapport, des actes de conférencesContribution à une conférenceRevue par des pairs


The DVB-T signals are an attractive source of illumination for the passive radars due to their wide bandwidth and signal structure. The DVB-T standard permits the reconstruction of the received reference signal to enhance its signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The signal reconstruction possibility allows the use of a simplified configuration of the radar by employing a single receiver. In this paper, we propose an optimized processing scheme for the single receiver DVB-T passive radar. We carry out Monte-Carlo simulations to assess the performances of the single receiver configuration, and we present real-data results to validate the proposed scheme.

langue originaleAnglais
titreIET Conference Publications
EditeurInstitution of Engineering and Technology
Nombre de pages6
ISBN (Electronique)9781785614217, 9781785615030, 9781785616624, 9781785616723, 9781785616990, 9781785617072
ISBN (imprimé)9781785615078, 9781785615153
Les DOIs
étatPublié - 2017
Evénement2017 International Conference on Radar Systems, Radar 2017 - Belfast, Royaume-Uni
Durée: 23 oct. 201726 oct. 2017

Série de publications

NomIET Conference Publications

Une conférence

Une conférence2017 International Conference on Radar Systems, Radar 2017
La villeBelfast

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