Measurement and questionnaires survey of the indoor environment quality in an emergency hospital from bucharest

Ilinca Nastase, Cristiana V. Croitoru, Andreea A. Vartires, Mihai Gustiuc, Walter Bosschaerts

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à une conférence NON PUBLIEEPapierRevue par des pairs


Data about overall perceived environmental quality were considered through questionnaires distributed to the medical staff and patients in a large hospital building and in an operating zone. Two types of questionnaires were used: for operating rooms and other areas like wards and medical and non-medical offices. In parallel, measurements of IEQ most important parameters were performed in the analyzed building. We monitored the air temperature, the operative temperature, the air speed, the radiant meant temperature, the relative humidity, the CO and CO2 level, the VOC level, and 31 diameters of aerosols between 0.35μm and 30μm. The questionnaires were filled in by 200 hospital occupants such as physicians, nurses and non-medical staff. The questions in this survey are mostly addressed to evaluate the indoor environmental quality and the implications on the medical activity. Regarding the air quality, it is perceived as low in some medical wards and relatively high in the operating zone. Measurements of air quality confirmed the results of the enquiry. Thermal comfort was found to be variable in function the occupants' activity level. Measured values of the Predicted Mean Vote and of the Draft Risk were confronted with data collected from questionnaires. A correlation of the variation of the measured levels of CO2 and dust particles concentration between the operating zone and its adjacent zones was also observed. The overall conditions at workplace are perceived as "good" at the majority of interrogated personnel, but we have found an important percentage, who complains about "poor" IEQ.

langue originaleAnglais
Nombre de pages8
étatPublié - 2014
Evénement13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air 2014 - Hong Kong, Hong-Kong
Durée: 7 juil. 201412 juil. 2014

Une conférence

Une conférence13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air 2014
La villeHong Kong

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