Interoperability in a Heterogeneous Team of Search and Rescue Robots

Daniel Serrano López, German Moreno, Jose Cordero, Jose Sanchez, Shashank Govindaraj, Mario Monteiro Marques, Victor Lobo, Stefano Fioravanti, Alberto Grati, Konrad Rudin, Massimo Tosa, Anibal Matos, Andre Dias, Alfredo Martins, Janusz Bedkowski, Haris Balta, Geert De Cubber

Résultats de recherche: Chapitre dans un livre, un rapport, des actes de conférencesChapitreRevue par des pairs


Search and rescue missions are complex operations. A disaster scenario is generally unstructured, time‐varying and unpredictable. This poses several challenges for the successful deployment of unmanned technology. The variety of operational scenarios and tasks lead to the need for multiple robots of different types, domains and sizes. A priori planning of the optimal set of assets to be deployed and the definition of their mission objectives are generally not feasible as information only becomes available during mission. The ICARUS project responds to this challenge by developing a heterogeneous team composed by different and complementary robots, dynamically cooperating as an interoperable team. This chapter describes our approach to multi‐robot interoperability, understood as the ability of multiple robots to operate together, in synergy, enabling multiple teams to share data, intelligence and resources, which is the ultimate objective of ICARUS project. It also includes the analysis of the relevant standardization initiatives in multi‐robot multi‐domain systems, our implementation of an interoperability framework and several examples of multi‐robot cooperation of the ICARUS robots in realistic search and rescue missions.
langue originaleAnglais
titreSearch and Rescue Robotics - From Theory to Practice
Les DOIs
étatPublié - 2017

Série de publications

NomSearch and Rescue Robotics - From Theory to Practice

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