Impurity-seeded ELMy H-modes in JET, with high density and reduced heat load

P. Monier-Garbet, Ph Andrew, P. Belo, G. Bonheure, Y. Corre, K. Crombe, P. Dumortier, T. Eich, R. Felton, J. Harling, J. Hogan, A. Huber, S. Jachmich, E. Joffrin, H. R. Koslowski, A. Kreter, G. Maddison, G. F. Matthews, A. Messiaen, M. F. NaveJ. Ongena, V. Parail, M. E. Puiatti, J. Rapp, R. Sartori, J. Stober, M. Z. Tokar, B. Unterberg, M. Valisa, I. Voitsekhovitch, M. Von Hellermann

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Material Science

Earth and Planetary Sciences
