Implementation of plasma simulators and plasma reconstruction workflows in ITER’s Integrated Modelling & Analysis Suite (IMAS)

S. D. Pinches, L. Abadie, L. C. Appel, J. F. Artaud, R. Castro, L. T.H. Van Dellen, D. Van Eester, J. Hollocombe, M. Hosokawa, F. Imbeaux, T. Johnson, R. R. Khayrutdinov, S. H. Kim, S. V. Konovalov, E. Lerche, V. E. Lukash, I. Lupelli, Y. Makushok, S. Medvedev, D. MuirA. Polevoi, O. Sauter, M. Schneider, J. Urban

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Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Computer Science


Earth and Planetary Sciences