Guidelines to compose an ideal bacteriophage cocktail

Maia Merabishvili, Jean Paul Pirnay, Daniel De Vos

Résultats de recherche: Chapitre dans un livre, un rapport, des actes de conférencesChapitreRevue par des pairs


Correctly designed bacteriophage therapeutics are the cornerstone for a successful outcome of bacteriophage therapy. Here we overview strategies on how to choose bacteriophages and their bacterial hosts at different steps of a bacteriophage cocktail development in order to comply with all quality and safety requirements based on the already existing essentially empirical experience in bacteriophage therapy and current accomplishments in modern biomedical sciences. A modification of the classic Appelmans’ method (1922) to assess stability of bacteriophage activity in liquid media is presented in order to improve the overall performance of therapeutic bacteriophages individually and collectively in the cocktail.

langue originaleAnglais
titreMethods in Molecular Biology
EditeurHumana Press Inc.
Nombre de pages12
Les DOIs
étatPublié - 2018

Série de publications

NomMethods in Molecular Biology
ISSN (imprimé)1064-3745

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