Fundamental ion cyclotron resonance heating of JET deuterium plasmas

A. V. Krasilnikov, D. Van Eester, E. Lerche, J. Ongena, V. N. Amosov, T. Biewer, G. Bonheure, K. Crombe, G. Ericsson, B. Esposito, L. Giacomelli, C. Hellesen, A. Hjalmarsson, S. Jachmich, J. Kallne, Yu A. Kaschuck, V. Kiptily, H. Leggate, J. Mailloux, D. MaroccoM. L. Mayoral, S. Popovichev, M. Riva, M. Santala, M. Stamp, V. Vdovin, A. Walden

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Chemical Engineering

Material Science