Enhancing the mode conversion efficiency in JET plasmas with multiple mode conversion layers

D. Van Eester, E. Lerche, T. Johnson, T. Hellsten, J. Ongena, M. L. Mayoral, D. Frigione, C. Sozzi, G. Calabro, M. Lennholm, P. Beaumont, T. Blackman, D. Brennan, A. Brett, M. Cecconello, I. Coffey, A. Coyne, K. Crombe, A. Czarnecka, R. FeltonM. Gatu Johnson, C. Giroud, G. Gorini, C. Hellesen, P. Jacquet, Y. Kazakov, V. Kiptily, S. Knipe, A. Krasilnikov, Y. Lin, M. Maslov, I. Monakhov, C. Noble, M. Nocente, L. Pangioni, I. Proverbio, M. Stamp, W. Studholme, M. Tardocchi, T. W. Versloot, V. Vdovin, A. Whitehurst, E. Wooldridge, V. Zoita

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Earth and Planetary Sciences
