Effect of gas injection during LH wave coupling at ITER-relevant plasma-wall distances in JET

A. Ekedahl, K. Rantamäki, M. Goniche, J. Mailloux, V. Petrzilka, B. Alper, Y. Baranov, V. Basiuk, P. Beaumont, G. Corrigan, L. Delpech, K. Erents, G. Granucci, N. Hawkes, J. Hobirk, F. Imbeaux, E. Joffrin, K. Kirov, T. Loarer, D. McDonaldM. F.F. Nave, I. Nunes, J. Ongena, V. Parail, F. Piccolo, E. Rachlew, C. Silva, A. Sirinelli, M. Stamp, K. D. Zastrow

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