Belgian Magistrates and German Occupiers: A Diachronic Comparison (1914–1918/1940–1944)

Mélanie Bost, Kirsten Peters

Résultats de recherche: Chapitre dans un livre, un rapport, des actes de conférencesChapitreRevue par des pairs


This chapter compares the relationship between the Belgian judiciary and the occupier during the two world wars. It analyses the behaviour of the judiciary during these times of crisis that undermine the balance between the powers and the independence of the judiciary. Based on Belgian and German sources, it examines the various occupier’s interferences in the course of justice.

langue originaleAnglais
titreIus Gentium
EditeurSpringer Science and Business Media B.V.
Nombre de pages28
Les DOIs
étatPublié - 2016

Série de publications

NomIus Gentium
ISSN (Electronique)2214-9902

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