Vehicle Mounted Early Warning for Indirect Indicators of IEDs

Projet: Recherche

Détails du projet

Objectif du projet

The project consists in developping a prof-of-concept camera-based IED early warning unmanned ground-based vehicle. SWIR and LWIR cameras, high-resolution VIS cameras, man-made-objects detector and stereo cameras are considered.

Role de l'organisme

RMA is in charge of the exploitation of the SWIR and LWIR cameras for road discrimination and detection of soil disturbances.
Les dates de début/date réelle1/01/1630/06/20

Partenaires de collaboration

  • École royale militaire
  • TNO Defence Security and Safety (NL) (lead)
  • TU/e (NL)
  • Amt für Rüstung und Wehrtechnik
  • Nederlandse Instrumenten Compagnie
  • ViNotion
  • Quest Photonic Devices BV
  • PCO S.A.
  • Military University of Technology (WAT)

Domain IRSD

  • DAP

Empreinte digitale

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