Optimization of onsite isothermal screening and 3rd generation shotgun metagenomic methods and their application for the identification of viral and bacterial vector-borne diseases on field trapped vectors

  • Sulka, Béatrice (Promoteur)
  • Bentahir, A. (Chercheur)

    Projet: Recherche

    Détails du projet

    Objectif du projet

    Optimization of onsite isothermal screening and 3rd generation shotgun metagenomic methods and their application for the identification of viral and bacterial vector-borne diseases on field trapped vectors

    Role de l'organisme

    RMA is in charge of administrative management and stakeholder analysis of the project.
    statutEn cours d'exécution
    Les dates de début/date réelle1/09/2131/08/25

    Domain IRSD

    • HFM

    Empreinte digitale

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