Intelligent Combat Unmanned Ground Systems (iCUGS)

Projet: Recherche

Détails du projet

Objectif du projet

The project, Combat Unmanned Ground Systems (CUGS), brings together nine member states and 28 European industry partners. With a € 35.5 million budget and running for 36 months, CUGS aims to define, design, and develop a set of functional modules which will be mounted on to existing platforms. The final phase of the project will test full demonstrators for highly autonomous combat unmanned ground systems.
Autonomous systems provide operational benefits across a very broad range of missions, from intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and logistics missions to combat missions. Deploying unmanned systems reduces the danger to human personnel and manned platforms, while increasing robustness, sustainability, and resilience of ground systems. It is expected that these systems will play an increased role in future Armed Forces by bringing faster manoeuvrability and more efficient and precise lethal and non-lethal effects, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of land systems and ensure an advantage in respect to the adversary.

Role de l'organisme

The functional modules to be developed in the project will ensure autonomous navigation; command, control, communications, and cooperation; and use of weapon systems. The modules will be integrated on several European autonomous ground systems; the mid-sized platforms Themis (Milrem, Estonia) and Wiesel (Rheinmetall, Germany), and large-sized platforms Type X (Milrem, Estonia), Lince 2 VTLM (Iveco, Italy) and Patria AMV (Patria, Finland).
The project will run across three phases; firstly, with the requirements and standard-based system architecture of the full CUGS demonstrator being developed for both the current autonomous platforms and future modules.
The adaptation of the five existing platforms will begin in parallel with the development of the combat functional modules. In the third phase of the project the solutions will be mounted on the platforms and will be tested and evaluated individually and in a cooperative way in relevant environments.
In the testing phase, the adapted unmanned ground systems should be able to autonomously move, navigate, communicate, detect, identify and lock targets, choose weapon systems and test firing sequences and safety aspects.

Sources de financement

This project has received funding from the Royal Higher Institute for Defence of Belgian Defence in the framework of the EDA CAT B project CUGS.
Titre abrégéIntelligent Combat Unmanned Ground Systems
statutEn cours d'exécution
Les dates de début/date réelle1/04/2331/03/26

Partenaires de collaboration

  • École royale militaire
  • Leonardo S.p.A (lead)
  • Larimart
  • MBDA Italy
  • CMI Defence
  • FN Herstal
  • Diehl Defence GmbH & Co. KG
  • KNDS Deutschland GmbH
  • Rheinmetall AG
  • Milrem AS
  • Patria
  • Bittium Wireless Oy
  • Nexter Systems SA
  • Safran Electronics & Defense
  • MBDA France
  • Arguus
  • TNO Defence Security and Safety (NL)
  • Demcon
  • NCIM Group
  • Kongsberg
  • Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
  • Military University of Technology (WAT)
  • PIAP Group
  • ZMT SA
  • American School of Warsaw (ASW)

Domain IRSD

  • DAP
  • MSP

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