Activités par an
Détails du projet
Objectif du projet
Despite being banned by the Hague Convention 1907, drifting mines have become nowadays an increasingly dangerous threat. By definition, those naval mines are floating on the surface or close to the surface of the sea. The MCM capabilities developed until now are ill-suited to detect such mines in operational conditions. Drifting mines put hence significant stress and work effort on Mine CounterMeasures (MCM) vessels, even for a few mines. In this project, we will capture key performance data for detecting drifting mines in various operational conditions. The project includes preliminary design of an operational drifting mine detection solution. The project is complementary to the remote MCM capability, as it will explore new sensor technologies, and sensor fusion algorithms which are absent from the remote MCM program.
Role de l'organisme
RMA will investigate the selection of sensors and post-processing algorithms, with quantitative detection performance metrics and will produce a collection of a test data set related to drifting mines. This dataset will be obtained first during an on-shore experimental campaign.
Sources de financement
This project has received funding from the Belgian Navy under the MCMlab framework.
L'acronyme | Drifting Mines |
statut | Fini |
Les dates de début/date réelle | 1/09/23 → 30/11/24 |
Partenaires de collaboration
- École royale militaire
- Exail Robotics Belgium
- University of Ghent
Domain IRSD
Empreinte digitale
Explorez les thèmes de recherche abordés par ce projet. Ces libellés sont générés sur la base des prix/subventions sous-jacents. Ensemble, ils forment une empreinte digitale unique.
Drifting mines: Onshore measurement campaign
Ouendo, P.-E. (Participant), Hamesse, C. (Participant), Lopera Tellez, O. (Organisateur), Boubenia, R. (Participant), Vlaminck, M. (Participant) & Allebosch, G. (Participant)
7 févr. 2024 → 26 mars 2024Activité: Participation ou organisation d'un événement (conférence, campagne de mesure) › Participation à une campagne de mesure nationale
Drifting Mines: Offshore measurement campaign
Ouendo, P.-E. (Participant), Hamesse, C. (Participant) & Lopera Tellez, O. (Organisateur)
18 avr. 2024 → 30 avr. 2024Activité: Participation ou organisation d'un événement (conférence, campagne de mesure) › Participation à une campagne de mesure nationale
Participation to REPMUS 24 measurement campaign
La Grappe, A. (Participant), Lopera Tellez, O. (Participant) & Hamesse, C. (Participant)
20 sept. 2024 → 26 sept. 2024Activité: Autre › Participation à une autre activité OTAN ou EDA