Development and Characterization of Smart Textile Systems in the Field of Thermophysiological Comfort: Optimisation of Clothing Systems and Identification of the Impact of Wearing those Clothing Systems on the Operational Capability

  • Wullens, Hilda (Promoteur)

    Projet: Recherche

    Détails du projet

    Objectif du projet

    Development and Characterization of Smart Textile Systems in the Field of Thermophysiological Comfort: Optimisation of Clothing Systems and Identification of the Impact of Wearing those Clothing Systems on the Operational Capability

    Role de l'organisme

    The role of DLD’s CBRN Protection & Individual Equipment lab is : ● Testing of textile material for improved comfort ● Organisation of wear trials ● Analysis of wear trial results
    statutEn cours d'exécution
    Les dates de début/date réelle1/12/2030/11/24

    Domain IRSD

    • HFM

    Empreinte digitale

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