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Résultats de recherche
BSP2.0: Development of a Bullet Simulating Projectile 2.0
Ferreira Azevedo, A. (Chercheur) & Coghe, F. (Promoteur)
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Projet: Recherche
STARSCI: Statistical and timing aspects related to side-channel attacks, with a focus on software Implementations
Petit, J. (Promoteur) & Morin Duchesne, A. (Chercheur)
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Projet: Recherche
E-YOUTH: Empowering Youth: collaborative partnerships for inclusive recruitment and training @ the Belgian Defence
Resteigne, D. (Promoteur) & Gomes, W. (Chercheur)
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Projet: Recherche
SMALL: Social Media Analysis using Large Language models and multimodal deep learning
Van Utterbeeck, F. (Promoteur), Fernandez Toledano, J. (Chercheur) & De Clerck, B. (Chercheur)
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Projet: Recherche
HYPER-IP: Hyperspectral Imaging Platform for the European Defence
Haelterman, R. (Promoteur), Hosteaux, S. (Chercheur) & De Meulemeester, H. (Chercheur)
11/12/24 → 10/07/27
Projet: Recherche
AHTAFEM: Development of a Human Thorax/Abdomen Finite Element Model for the risk assessment of non-penetrative impacts
Robbe, C. (Promoteur)
2/12/24 → 31/08/28
Projet: Recherche
GUIDED: Revolutionizing the User Experience of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robotics Operators with Augmented 3D Awareness
Hasselmann, K. (Promoteur) & Hamesse, C. (Promoteur)
1/12/24 → 31/12/27
Projet: Recherche
SAILS: Autonomous Maritime UAS Landing Solution
Nguyên, T. (Chercheur) & De cubber, G. (Promoteur)
1/12/24 → 31/12/27
Projet: Recherche
GENIUS: A GENIUS solution for Addressing Modern Challenges in Explosive Threat Neutralization
De cubber, G. (Promoteur), Vandewal, M. (Chercheur), Vochten, M. (Chercheur), Lebecque, F. (Chercheur), TUNON DE LARA RAMOS Matéo Esteban, L. (Chercheur), Hasselmann, K. (Chercheur) & Le Flécher, E. (Chercheur)
1/12/24 → 30/11/27
Projet: Recherche
FORCES: FOundations for Reliable, CorrEct, and Secure robotic systems
Hasselmann, K. (Promoteur)
1/12/24 → 31/12/28
Projet: Recherche
RESILIENCE-R: First research action for Medical counter measures performed in the frame of the RESILIENCE FPA consortium
Pirnay, J.-P. (Chercheur)
1/11/24 → 31/10/27
Projet: Recherche
DEFSTRASTEG: Design of an Efficient Framework for Strategic Steganalysis
Petit, J. (Promoteur) & Daems, D. (Chercheur)
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Projet: Recherche
GRAND: GNSS – free Autonomous Navigation for Drones
De cubber, G. (Promoteur), Mimassi, J. (Chercheur) & Ouendo, P.-E. (Chercheur)
14/10/24 → 31/10/28
Projet: Recherche
Mmine Sweeper: Marine Munition in Europe - Solutions with Economic and Ecological Profits for Efficient Remediation
Lopera Tellez, O. (Chercheur)
1/10/24 → 31/03/28
Projet: Recherche
FEMHEALTH: Caring for the female military: optimizing reproductive health
Van Cutsem, J. (Promoteur)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projet: Recherche
MILANG: The language of the military: The role of verbal communication and verbal thinking in optimizing military performance
Lo Bue, S. (Chercheur) & Bourguignon, N. (Chercheur)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projet: Recherche
ACTEX: Advanced Characterization of TErtiary eXplosives
Van Riet, R. (Promoteur)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projet: Recherche
SHERPA: A social history of the largest Belgian army ever during the Phoney War (1939-1940)
Simoens, T. (Promoteur)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projet: Recherche
INTERMIL: Intercomprehension competence development in Belgian Defence Forces
Snoeijers, E. (Promoteur) & Limbos, S. (Chercheur)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projet: Recherche
FAO-Ukraine: Technical Support the Health Assessment of soils affected by the war and organization of a training programme on fundamental principles of soil and groundwater pollution
Simoens, B. (Chercheur)
1/09/24 → 31/03/25
Projet: Transfer › Services à caractère scientifique
Multicam+ : Exploring The Potential of Multispectral Camouflage Against Current and Emerging Threats
Vandewal, M. (Chercheur)
1/09/24 → 30/08/28
Projet: Recherche
EMPORIA: Emerging powers’ maritime nationalism and its consequences for Belgium and the EU
Du Bois, C. (Promoteur)
1/07/24 → 30/06/28
Projet: Recherche
Marinus, B. (Promoteur) & Billot, G. (Chercheur)
1/07/24 → 30/06/28
Projet: Recherche
GRiTA: Ground Vehicle Ride Quality Testing and Analysis with Complex Terrain
Nishio, Y. (Promoteur) & Harri, K. (Promoteur)
1/06/24 → 31/05/28
Projet: Recherche
PHYSTWA: Demonstration of a TWA system on the tokamak WEST
Vergote, M. (Promoteur), Maquet, V. (Chercheur) & Acheroy, S. (Promoteur)
1/06/24 → 31/05/28
Projet: Recherche
BIALF: A Belgian Integrated Approach to LawFare – towards a defensive and offensive legal strategy in a European and international context
Dewulf, S. (Promoteur) & Baron, A.-C. (Chercheur)
1/06/24 → 31/05/28
Projet: Recherche
ANIMUS: stAndarization aNd Interoperability of Military Unmanned Systems
Le Flécher, E. (Promoteur), Hawari, D. (Chercheur) & Ouendo, P.-E. (Chercheur)
1/06/24 → 31/05/28
Projet: Recherche
MLM-NG: Modular Lightweight Minesweeping – Next Generation
Lopera Tellez, O. (Chercheur)
1/05/24 → 30/04/27
Projet: Recherche
ARMISTICE: Adaptive FRagMent Impact & BlaST loadIng TeChniquE
Lecompte, D. (Promoteur) & Kechagiadakis, G. (Chercheur)
1/05/24 → 30/04/28
Projet: Recherche
OKENU: Optimization of the Kinetic-Energy Neutralization of small-UAS
Papy, A. (Promoteur) & Ameloot, C. (Chercheur)
1/03/24 → 29/02/28
Projet: Recherche
Vtraj: Validated Trajectory Toolbox
Marinus, B. (Promoteur) & de Briey, V. (Promoteur)
26/02/24 → 25/02/28
Projet: Recherche
AWBEM: Development of computer-based empirical models for wound ballistics vulnerability assessment
Robbe, C. (Promoteur), Papy, A. (Promoteur) & Monteiro Fernandes, J. T. (Chercheur)
26/01/24 → 25/01/28
Projet: Recherche
Research in support of personalized bacteriophage therapy of difficult-to-treat infections
Merabishvili, M. (Chercheur), Pirnay, J.-P. (Chercheur), Steurs, G. (Chercheur) & Cochez, C. (Chercheur)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Projet: Recherche
MULTIMETER: Autonomous Unmanned Vessels for Maritime Mine Countermeasures Operations
Le Flécher, E. (Chercheur), La Grappe, A. (Chercheur), De cubber, G. (Promoteur) & Haelterman, R. (Promoteur)
1/01/24 → 31/03/28
Projet: Recherche
BELGIAN: Mobile manipulation for demining, EOD & IED operations
Hasselmann, K. (Co-promoteur), Hamesse, C. (Co-promoteur), Malizia, M. (Chercheur) & Haelterman, R. (Chercheur)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Projet: Recherche
VENT-DEFENSE: Tackling a ventilator surge capacity problem by developing an AI based protocol for Individualized Shared Ventilation
Marinus, B. (Promoteur)
1/12/23 → 28/02/27
Projet: Recherche
THREATSENS: Sensitive on-site threat detection towards Defence security
Simoens, B. (Promoteur)
1/12/23 → 28/02/28
Projet: Recherche
ANDORRA: AdvaNceD cOmposite for smaRt pRotective Armour
Coghe, F. (Promoteur)
1/12/23 → 28/02/28
Projet: Recherche
AMC3: Automated Methodoloy for Common Criteria Certification
Mees, W. (Chercheur)
1/12/23 → 31/05/27
Projet: Recherche
AIDEDex: Artificial Intelligence for Detection of Explosive Ordnance Extended
De cubber, G. (Promoteur) & Hasselmann, K. (Chercheur)
1/12/23 → 30/11/27
Projet: Recherche
CONVOY: ClOud iNtelligent explosiVe detectiOn sYstem
Le Flécher, E. (Promoteur) & Freixo Goncalves, M. (Chercheur)
1/12/23 → 30/11/27
Projet: Recherche
AQUILA: Affordable Quick-reaction UAS Interception and Long-range Accuracy
Van Riet, R. (Promoteur) & Gelain, R. (Chercheur)
1/12/23 → 1/12/26
Projet: Recherche
BELMILCAS: Belgian Military Casualties since 1945
Simoens, T. (Promoteur)
1/11/23 → 31/10/27
Projet: Recherche
DREAM: Distributed Reconnaissance And Mapping system (DREAM)
Hamesse, C. (Promoteur), Le Flécher, E. (Promoteur), Fréville, T. (Chercheur), Miuccio, A. (Chercheur) & Haelterman, R. (Chercheur)
1/11/23 → 31/10/27
Projet: Recherche
Ship AI: Automated ship image analysis using Artificial Intelligence
Vandewal, M. (Promoteur) & Nita, C. (Chercheur)
1/10/23 → 30/09/27
Projet: Recherche
SLATE: Self Learning Attack surface Explorer
Mees, W. (Promoteur) & Simon, R. (Chercheur)
11/09/23 → 10/09/27
Projet: Recherche
ACODIS: Armed COnflict and DISinformation: Analysing and Strengthening the International Legal Framework against ‘Fake News’ in Conflict Situations
Dewulf, S. (Promoteur) & Vandeput, L. (Chercheur)
1/09/23 → 31/08/27
Projet: Recherche