Projets par an
- 1 - 50 sur 74 résultats
Résultats de recherche
SHERPA: A social history of the largest Belgian army ever during the Phoney War (1939-1940)
Simoens, T. (Promoteur)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projet: Recherche
FEMHEALTH: Caring for the female military: optimizing reproductive health
Van Cutsem, J. (Promoteur)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projet: Recherche
MILANG: The language of the military: The role of verbal communication and verbal thinking in optimizing military performance
Lo Bue, S. (Chercheur) & Bourguignon, N. (Chercheur)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projet: Recherche
INTERMIL: Intercomprehension competence development in Belgian Defence Forces
Snoeijers, E. (Promoteur) & Limbos, S. (Chercheur)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projet: Recherche
EMPORIA: Emerging powers’ maritime nationalism and its consequences for Belgium and the EU
Du Bois, C. (Promoteur)
1/07/24 → 30/06/28
Projet: Recherche
BIALF: A Belgian Integrated Approach to LawFare – towards a defensive and offensive legal strategy in a European and international context
Dewulf, S. (Promoteur)
1/06/24 → 31/05/28
Projet: Recherche
BELMILCAS: Belgian Military Casualties since 1945
Simoens, T. (Promoteur)
1/11/23 → 31/10/27
Projet: Recherche
ACODIS: Armed COnflict and DISinformation: Analysing and Strengthening the International Legal Framework against ‘Fake News’ in Conflict Situations
Dewulf, S. (Promoteur)
1/09/23 → 31/08/27
Projet: Recherche
SEAS: Safe and Efficient Autonomous Systems for Military Operations
Lo Bue, S. (Promoteur), Karasu, A. (Chercheur) & Salatino, A. (Chercheur)
1/09/23 → 31/08/27
Projet: Recherche
COLLINT: Internment of suspects of collaboration in Belgium (1944-1946)
Horvat, S. (Promoteur) & Roden, D. (Chercheur)
1/02/23 → 1/05/25
Projet: Recherche
HFM/22-06: Digital Trainer Networks: Fostering Digital Collaboration Among Military Trainers
Lo Bue, S. (Promoteur) & Matsuzaki, M. (Chercheur)
1/09/22 → 31/08/26
Projet: Recherche
HFM/22-08: The Belgian Population's Willingness to Pay for Defence Capabilities
Du Bois, C. (Promoteur)
1/09/22 → 1/09/26
Projet: Recherche
HFM/22-03: Ethics and AI. From Moral Virtues to Duties
Dewyn, M. (Promoteur) & Rebera, A. (Chercheur)
1/09/22 → 31/08/26
Projet: Recherche
HFM/22-04: An individualized Fatigue Risk Management System for the BEL pilot community
Pattyn, N. (Promoteur) & Van Cutsem, J. (Chercheur)
1/09/22 → 1/09/26
Projet: Recherche
HFM/22-01: The new economic statecraft of China and Russia: challenges, costs, and policy implications.
Du Bois, C. (Promoteur), Holslag, J. (Promoteur) & Van Hoeymissen, S. (Chercheur)
1/09/22 → 1/09/26
Projet: Recherche
HFM/22-07: Do We Match? Using Gamification to Measure Person-Organization Fit and Attract Applicants
Lo Bue, S. (Promoteur) & Defresnes, O. (Chercheur)
1/03/22 → 31/12/26
Projet: Recherche
HFM/21-05: Leaving is the Only Way Out? Voluntary Attrition within the Belgian Armed Forces: A Multimethod Analysis.
Resteigne, D. (Promoteur), Blokerije, L. (Chercheur), De Meyer, J. (Chercheur) & De Vlaminck, M. (Chercheur)
18/10/21 → 18/10/26
Projet: Recherche
OPTIMIS: Optimised Personal Turret Interface based on a Multimodal Interaction System
Lo Bue, S. (Promoteur) & Gugliotta, A. (Chercheur)
1/09/21 → 30/06/25
Projet: Recherche
HFM/20-02: In Real Life (IRL): Measuring the Cognitive Load of the Network-Enabled Soldier
Lo Bue, S. (Promoteur) & Bourguignon, N. (Chercheur)
20/09/20 → 31/12/24
Projet: Recherche
HFM/19-02: Réintégration post-déploiement: Décrire, comprendre et prédire les risques psychosociaux liés aux déploiements
Lo Bue, S. (Promoteur) & Glorieux, V. (Chercheur)
1/09/19 → 31/12/25
Projet: Recherche
WP LECTURES: Lesopdrachten ten bate van derden
Quanten, K. (Promoteur)
15/07/15 → …
Projet: Transfer › Formation et enseignement
Pas commencé
TELEMED: Tactical Telemedicine - Strengthening the first medical response line
Pattyn, N. (Promoteur) & Malfait, A. (Chercheur)
1/10/25 → 30/09/29
Projet: Recherche
LEAP: Leadership Enhancement And Performance
Du Bois, C. (Promoteur) & Delvaux, S. (Chercheur)
1/09/25 → 31/08/29
Projet: Recherche
TITAN: Training Trust in Automation: Between Trust and Overreliance
Lo Bue, S. (Promoteur) & Gugliotta, A. (Chercheur)
1/07/25 → 30/06/29
Projet: Recherche
MIAMICC: Moral Implications of the Use of AI on the Mitigation of Civilian Casualties
Ceulemans, C. (Promoteur)
1/06/25 → 31/05/29
Projet: Recherche
E-YOUTH: Empowering Youth: collaborative partnerships for inclusive recruitment and training @ the Belgian Defence
Resteigne, D. (Promoteur) & Gomes, W. (Chercheur)
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Projet: Recherche
BEPIDS: Belgian Economic Potential in the Industry of Defence and Security
Du Bois, C. (Promoteur) & De Cock, W. (Chercheur)
1/09/22 → 1/12/24
Projet: Recherche
INSERT-BD: Integrating NEETs in Society through Employment, Recruitment and Training in the Belgian Defence
Resteigne, D. (Promoteur)
1/12/21 → 30/11/23
Projet: autre
LC_OCT: A descriptive study on line-field confocal optical coherence tomography (LC-OCT) for burn wound grading and healing time prediction compared to clinical examination and laser Doppler imaging (LDI)
Lo Bue, S. (Promoteur) & Orte Cano, C. (Chercheur)
1/10/21 → 31/03/22
Projet: Recherche
COLOS: Colonial soldiers under Belgian command
Horvat, S. (Promoteur)
1/02/21 → 31/01/23
Projet: Recherche
HFM/20-03: Does the Use of (Semi) Autonomous Weapons Influence military ethics? A multi-disciplinary research on responsibility.
Ceulemans, C. (Promoteur), Oimann, A.-K. (Chercheur), Prével, A. (Chercheur) & Salatino, A. (Chercheur)
1/09/20 → 31/08/24
Projet: Recherche
HFM/20-07: Model for Adaptive Command in Extreme Contexts
De Smet, H. (Promoteur) & Delvaux, S. (Chercheur)
1/09/20 → 31/08/24
Projet: Recherche
Horvat, S. (Promoteur) & Roden, D. (Chercheur)
15/12/19 → 15/03/22
Projet: Recherche
HFM/19-08: OPTIMED: Counteracting military medical skills fade
Pattyn, N. (Promoteur), Malfait, A. (Chercheur) & Van Puyvelde, M. (Chercheur)
1/10/19 → 30/09/23
Projet: Recherche
HFM/19-09: Sleep and performance optimization in continuous operations: how to support self-management of performance in the SFG?
Pattyn, N. (Promoteur) & Van Cutsem, J. (Chercheur)
1/10/19 → 30/09/23
Projet: Recherche
HFM/19-07: Fight as you train or train as you fight? Developing and integrating "deviation education" as an aviation safety tool
Pattyn, N. (Promoteur)
1/09/19 → 31/08/23
Projet: Recherche
HFM/19-4: Hybrid warfare: a literature review and case study
Du Bois, C. (Promoteur)
1/01/19 → 31/12/19
Projet: Recherche
HFM/19-05: Simulation engine for military RPAS operations with integrated Human factors and standardised test methodologies - ALPHONSE
De Smet, H. (Promoteur) & Doroftei, L. (Chercheur)
1/01/19 → 31/12/23
Projet: Recherche
HFM/18-03: La Défense belge face à la diversité ethnique, au processus de radicalisation et au terrorisme
Resteigne, D. (Promoteur), Belpaire, G. (Chercheur) & De Roeck, M. (Chercheur)
1/03/18 → 15/10/23
Projet: Recherche
HFM/18-04: The design of effective performance measurement systems for defense and security organisations
Letens, G. (Promoteur)
1/01/18 → 31/12/22
Projet: Recherche
HFM/17-05: Performance enhancement during flight training: a way to reduce attrition and increase the operationality of flight crews?
Pattyn, N. (Promoteur), Dessy, E. (Chercheur) & Lacroix, E. (Chercheur)
1/10/17 → 30/09/22
Projet: Recherche
TRANSAT: Seminarie Transatlantic Defense Partnership at stake
Du Bois, C. (Promoteur)
21/06/17 → 31/12/17
Projet: Evénement scientifique
21AICES: 21st Annual International Conference on Economics and Security
Du Bois, C. (Promoteur)
3/04/17 → 31/12/17
Projet: Evénement scientifique
iLab: Innovation Lab - federale overheid
Leysen, J. (Promoteur), De Coninck, B. (Chercheur) & Rogiers, P. (Chercheur)
1/02/17 → 30/04/20
Projet: Recherche
TRIVALENT: Terrorism pReventIon Via rAdicaLisation countEr-NarraTive (Project H2020)
Du Bois, C. (Promoteur) & Van San, M. (Chercheur)
25/01/17 → 25/01/20
Projet: Recherche
HFM/16-2: Feasibility of early detection of in-flight performances impalment due to hypoxia through voice stress analysis
Pattyn, N. (Promoteur) & Van Puyvelde, M. (Chercheur)
1/10/16 → 30/09/18
Projet: Recherche
Comité 14-18: Les jugements des juridictions militaires belges en 14-18, mythes et réalité
Horvat, S. (Promoteur)
8/07/16 → 8/07/20
Projet: Recherche
SCDV/88: België en Europa en hun verdediging tegen hybride dreigingen
Eecloo, P. (Promoteur)
1/06/16 → 31/12/18
Projet: Recherche
SCDV/86: Le développement du djihadisme sur le continent africain.
Eecloo, P. (Promoteur)
1/04/16 → 30/12/18
Projet: Recherche