- 3 résultats
Résultats de recherche
An hybrid experimental/numerical method to assess the lethality of a kinetic energy non-lethal weapon system
Robbe, C. (Bénéficiaire), Nsiampa, N. (Co-auteur), Papy, A. (Co-auteur) & Oukara, A. (Co-auteur), 2013
Prix: Prix scientifique › Best presentation award
contribution to the SAS-094 Research Task Group on “Analytical Support to the Development and Experimentation of NLW Concepts of Operation and Employment”.
Robbe, C. (Bénéficiaire), 2017
Prix: OTAN STO Awards › STO Excellence Award (Team)
Guidelines to develop kinetic energy non-lethal projectiles
Robbe, C. (Bénéficiaire), 21 mai 2015
Prix: Prix scientifique › Best poster award