NATO SCI-SET-353 RTG: C-UAS Mission-Level Modelling & Simulation

Activité: AutreParticipation à une activité RTG/ET du STO de l'OTAN


The objective of the task group is to develop a common M&S framework that is capable of evaluating relevant scenarios at mission-level.
The framework shall be able to model all relevant characteristics of the UA, the environment, detection methods, C2 systems and effectors.
The modelling shall be performed at an effects-based level that is sufficient to capture the essential aspects of the C-UAS process.
It is felt that in order to achieve this, it is not necessary to model a more detailed physics-based level in most cases.
The framework shall subsequently be used for simulating certain selected scenarios, for example some of the vignettes derived in SCI-301.
Ideally, the framework shall be verified by modelling scenarios that are executed at NATO trials, after which the results of the simulation and the real-life event can be compared.
The foreseen deliverables include:
• A common M&S framework (i.e. software)
• A report describing the framework, the selected scenarios and the results of the evaluation of these scenarios using the framework
Période1 nov. 20221 nov. 2025
Degré de reconnaissanceInternational