Testing renewable energy equipment: Space heating and warm sanitarian water production Setup of a test facility

W. Bosschaerts, O. Suy, B. Marinus

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Renewable energies are nowadays in the global spotlight. They can be used to generate electrical power on a large scale, but one should not forget domestic applications. Testing renewable energy equipment can be done outside, but for obvious reasons this most be done indoor also. Therefore one needs to simulate sunlight and thus lamps must be used. In order to fulfill the conditions imposed by the international standards, one must carefully examine what type of lamps can be chosen and how those lamps must be positioned in space. The present effort describes a methodology to set up an indoor test facility.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationESTECH 2003: 49th Annual Technical Meeting and Exposition of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology. Proceedings - Constamination Control Design, Test, and Evaluation Product Reliability; Phoenix
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2003
EventESTECH 2003: 49th Annual Technical Meeting and Exposition of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology. Proceedings - Constamination Control Design, Test, and Evaluation Product Reliability - Phoenix, AZ, United States
Duration: 18 May 200321 May 2003


ConferenceESTECH 2003: 49th Annual Technical Meeting and Exposition of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology. Proceedings - Constamination Control Design, Test, and Evaluation Product Reliability
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityPhoenix, AZ


  • Heat transfer
  • Irradiance model
  • Lamp
  • Renewable
  • Sunlight simulation


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