NATO standardized method for assessing the thoracic impact of Kinetic Energy Non-Lethal Weapons

C. Robbe, Alexandre Papy, N. Nsiampa, P. Drapela, C. Bir

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Kinetic energy non-lethal weapons (KENLW) systems remain one of the most widespread non-lethal weapons on the field. NATO has recently published four standardized documents to assess the injury potential of such weapons. These documents were written by an international comity composed of a few international experts in the field of non-lethal weapons and Behind Armor Blunt Trauma. Particularly, the STANREC 4744 AEP 99 tackles the evaluation of thoracic impacts. The document focuses on the process to perform an evaluation, with only basic information on the scientific background of the proposed methodology. The process is to shoot the projectile on a target and dynamically measure the injury criterion (VC)max, linked to the level of injuries. It gives the user the choice of the appropriate surrogate as soon as the response of the system, impacted by a specific commercially available non-lethal projectile, remains in a specified range. A numerical evaluation process is also proposed, based on the results of the same references. This article aims at describing the standardized document in the form of a scientific article. Firstly, KENLWs and the typical injuries they provoke are introduced. Secondly, the scientific base of the AEP 99 is presented. Thirdly, the evaluation methodology and its scientific rationale are explained in detail. Fourthly, three different implemented AEP 99 compatible solutions—2 biomechanical surrogates and one numerical model—are introduced, and results are presented. Lastly, an extensive discussion on the reliability of the method and on the implemented solutions is presented. Finally, perspectives are identified. In conclusion, even if limitations and ways of improvements have been identified, both on the methodology and on the solutions, it is the author’s opinion that the AEP 99 remains a unique scientifically validated methodology for assessing KENLW thoracic impacts, providing consistent and reliable results.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7
JournalHuman Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023


  • Blunt trauma
  • Impact projectile
  • Non-lethal weapons
  • Standardization


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