Influence of different parameters on the TNT-equivalent of an explosion

Bart Simoens, Michel H. Lefebvre, Fumiyoshi Minami

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Emulsion explosives are used in a wide range of applications, amongst which some in closed vessels, where the properties at short range need to be known. A series of tests with spherical charges has been carried out to determine the TNT-equivalent at short range of an explosive emulsion based on both peak overpressure and impulse. Generally, the value is found to be constant over the considered range, with a value of 1 for overpressure and of 0.7 for impulse. In most common applications, explosive charges are not spherical. Experiments with cylindrical charges have been performed to study the influence of (1) the shape of the charge (length-to-diameter ratio) and (2) the location of initiation (central or at one end). At the considered range, increasing L/D increases the peak overpressure and the impulse perpendicular to the axis, but decreases these effects on the axis. The central initiation causes the largest effects on the centreline. The initiation at one end causes a shift in the location of the peak overpressure, but the highest impulse remains on the centreline.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-67
Number of pages15
JournalCentral European Journal of Energetic Materials
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Blast impulse
  • Blast overpressure
  • Cylindrical charge
  • Emulsion explosive


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