Impact of nitrogen seeding on carbon erosion in the JET divertor

S. Brezinsek, S. Jachmich, J. Rapp, A. G. Meigs, C. Nicholas, M. O'Mullane, A. Pospieszczyk, G. Van Rooij

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Nitrogen has been introduced in H-mode plasmas in JET in order to study its radiation cooling capability and impact on the erosion of divertor plasma-facing components made of carbon-fiber composites (CFC). Experiments in the ionizing plasma regime with low nitrogen injection show a reduction of the total carbon erosion in the divertor measured with the aid of optical spectroscopy on C+. Though chemical sputtering by nitrogen takes place, identified by the appearance of CN B-X band emission, the additional carbon source is overcompensated by a reduction of regular sputtering by deuterium bombardment. Moderate plasma cooling associated with reduction of the sputtering yield and dilution of the CFC surface by nitrogen can be attributed to the favorable reduction of the carbon source.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)624-628
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
Issue number1-3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2011


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