High Te discrepancies between ECE and Thomson diagnostics in high-performance JET discharges

JET Contributors

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The present paper is dedicated to the study of the discrepancies encountered in electron temperature (Te) measurements carried out with electron cyclotron emission (ECE) and Thomson scattering (TS) diagnostics in the core of the JET tokamak. A large database of discharges has been collected, including high-performance scenarios performed with deuterium only and deuterium-tritium mixtures. Discrepancies have been found between core Te measurements taken with an X-mode ECE interferometer (TECE) and a LIDAR TS system (TLID) for T e > 5 keV. Depending on the plasma scenario, TECE has been found to be systematically higher or lower than TLID. Discrepancies have also been observed between the peaks of the ECE spectrum in the second (X2) and third (X3) harmonic domains, even in high optical thickness conditions. These discrepancies can be interpreted as evidence of the presence of non-Maxwellian features in the electron energy distribution function (EEDF). In order to investigate the relation between the shape of the EEDF and the measured discrepancies, a model for bipolar perturbations of Maxwellian EEDF has been developed. The model allows analytical calculations of ECE absorption and emission coefficients; hence, the comparison of modeled ECE spectra with experimental data. The different experimental results observed for the various JET scenarios have been found to be qualitatively reproducible by adapting the model parameters, suggesting that bipolar distortions of the bulk EEDF could play a role in giving rise to the reported discrepancies between ECE and TS measurements.

Original languageEnglish
Article number122503
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2023


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