Ground penetrating radar for antipersonnel mine detection

Research output: Contribution to specialist/vulgarization publicationArticle


Nowadays, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a wide used technique and the number of its applications is still growing. Locating pipes and cables, civil engineering (bridge inspection, finding voids), security, archaeology investigation, geophysical survey and ice mapping are a few examples of its use. GPR is also one of the most promising technologies for Anti Personnel mine detection. With this aim the Royal Military Academy (RMA) has started a research on the detection of plastic AP mines by means of ultra-wideband ground penetrating radar (UWB GPR) i.e. GPR using ultra-short electromagnetic pulses (<200ps). Because AP mines are shallow buried and very small objects, conventional GPR is not very well suited to detect all the mines without failure and to discriminate between a mine and a mine-like target. In the first part of the paper we will give an overview of the existing GPR systems. Afterwards some design and acquisition parameters for a GPR will be highlighted and discussed in order to detect antipersonnel land mines.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Specialist publicationRevue HF Tijdschrift
Publication statusPublished - 1998


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