Electron Temperature Resonances of A Plasma Column Described To Full First Order In The Temperature

R. Koch, P. E. Vandenplas

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An inhomogeneous plasma column surrounded by a glass wall is described through full first order in temperatures Teand Ti, using a complete electromagnetic treatment. We study the response of this system to a purely TE wave with k perpendicular to the axis. Comparison with existing theories and experimental results is made in the electron-wave domain (ions play no role) with zero steady magnetic field, i.e. in the case of temperature (Tonks-Dattner) resonances. Perhaps surprising at first sight, there is poor agreement with experiment at low density, the classic T1/2e theory (scalar perturbed pressure approximation) giving far better results. Simple arguments concerning the different levels of approximation in the description of the longitudinal k2 enable us to distinguish the crucial difference existing between a scalar pressure and a complete T1e description and to understand this result. We generalize these findings, demonstrating that a Tn-1/2e description is always more realistic than a Tne one in the range ωpe < ω.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)451-460
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Plasma Physics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun 1974


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