
In the JET DTE2 campaign a new method was successfully tested to detect the heating of bulk electrons by α-particles, using the dynamic response of the electron temperature Te to the modulation of ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH). A fundamental deuterium (D) ICRH scheme was applied to a tritium-rich hybrid plasma with D-neutral beam injection (NBI). The modulation of the ion temperature Ti and of the ICRH accelerated deuterons leads to modulated α-heating with a large delay with respect to other modulated electron heating terms. A significant phase delay of ∼40° is measured between central Te and Ti, which can only be explained by α-particle heating. Integrated modelling using different models for ICRH absorption and ICRH/NBI interaction reproduces the effect qualitatively. Best agreement with experiment is obtained with the European Transport Solver/Heating and Current Drive workflow.

Original languageEnglish
Article number086001
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024


  • DT plasmas
  • ICRH modulation
  • alpha heating
  • tokamak


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