Design of a flow modulation device to facilitate individualized ventilation in a shared ventilator setup

Michiel Stiers, Jan Vercauteren, Tom Schepens, Matthias Mergeay, Luc Janssen, Olivier Hoogmartens, Arne Neyrinck, Benoît G. Marinus, Marc Sabbe

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study aims to resolve the unmet need for ventilator surge capacity by developing a prototype device that can alter patient-specific flow in a shared ventilator setup. The device is designed to deliver a predictable tidal volume (VT), requiring minimal additional monitoring and workload. The prototyped device was tested in an in vitro bench setup for its performance against the intended use and design criteria. The ventilation parameters: VT and airway pressures, and ventilation profiles: pressure, flow and volume were measured for different ventilator and device settings for a healthy and ARDS simulated lung pathology. We obtained VTs with a linear correlation with valve openings from 10 to 100% across set inspiratory pressures (IPs) of 20 to 30 cmH2O. Airway pressure varied with valve opening and lung elastance but did not exceed set IPs. Performance was consistent in both healthy and ARDS-simulated lung conditions. The ventilation profile diverged from traditional pressure-controlled profiles. We present the design a flow modulator to titrate VTs in a shared ventilator setup. Application of the flow modulator resulted in a characteristic flow profile that differs from pressure- or volume controlled ventilation. The development of the flow modulator enables further validation of the Individualized Shared Ventilation (ISV) technology with individualization of delivered VTs and the development of a clinical protocol facilitating its clinical use during a ventilator surge capacity problem.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)679-690
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024


  • Flow modulator
  • Individualized shared ventilation
  • Medical device
  • Surge capacity
  • Ventilator


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