Design and thermal-structural analysis of a high power ICRH travelling wave array antennas

T. Batal, R. Ragona, J. Hillairet, C. Yu, J. M. Bernard, P. Mollard, F. Farina, M. Firdaouss, Q. Yang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Travelling wave array (TWA) antennas have been proposed for the ICRH (Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating) antennas of fusion reactors in view to decreasing the antenna voltage and associated electric field. This paper reports the progress of the design and structural analysis of an actively cooled high power TWA antenna for WEST. First, the design of a non-cooled mock-up that will be tested in the TITAN facility is presented. The main objective is to assess the voltage stand-off of the antenna at power and electric field levels relevant for future nominal operation in a fusion device. The main characteristics of the mock-up are detailed and the results from thermal and structural analysis of the mock-up tested in TITAN are presented. In the second part, the compatibility with WEST environment for an actively-cooled TWA antenna is assessed. Mechanical, electromagnetic, thermal and hydraulics constrains (.i.e VDE, plasma radiation, toroidal magnetic field ripple…) are listed in a system loads specification. A Virtual Reality analysis using IRFM tools has been performed to check compliance of the design in term of assembly inside the WEST vacuum vessel.

Original languageEnglish
Article number112325
JournalFusion Engineering and Design
Publication statusPublished - May 2021


  • DEMO
  • Heating system
  • Ion cyclotron resonance heating
  • Thermal and structural analysis
  • Travelling wave antenna
  • Virtual reality


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