COUGAR: A liquid nitrogen cooled InGaAs camera for astronomy and electro-luminescence

Urbain Van Bogget, Vincent Vervenne, Rosa Maria Vinella, Koen Van Der Zanden, Patrick Merken, Jan Vermeiren

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


A SWIR FPA was designed and manufactured with 640 512 pixels, 20 μm pitch and InGaAs detectors for electroluminescence characterization and astronomical applications in the [0.9 - 1.55 μm] range. The FPA is mounted in a liquid nitrogen dewar and is operated by a low noise frontend electronics. One of the biggest problem in designing sensors and cameras for electro-luminescence measurements is the autoillumination of the detectors by the readout circuit. Besides of proper shielding of the detectors, the ROIC shall be optimized for minimal electrical activity during the integration time of the very-weak signals coming from the circuit under test. For this reason a SFD (or Source Follower per Detector) architecture (like in the Hawaii sensor) was selected, resulting in a background limited performance of the detector. The pixel has a (somewhat arbitrary) full well capacity of 400 000 e- and a sensitivity of 2.17 μV/e-. The dark signal is app. 1 e-/pixel/sec and with the appropriate Fowler sampling the dark noise lowers below 5 e-rms. The power consumption of the circuit is limited 2 mW, allowing more than 24 hours of operation on less than 1 l of liquid nitrogen. The FPA is equipped with 4 outputs (optional readout on one single channel) and is capable of achieving 3 frames per second. Due to the non-destructive readout it is possible to determine in a dynamic way the optimal integration time for each observation. The Cougar camera is equipped with ultra-low noise power supply and bias lines; the electronics contain also a 24 bit AD converter to fully exploit the sensitivity of the FPA and the camera.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInfrared Technology and Applications XL
PublisherSociety of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
ISBN (Print)9781628410075
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event40th Conference on Infrared Technology and Applications - Baltimore, MD, United States
Duration: 5 May 20148 May 2014

Publication series

NameProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
ISSN (Print)0277-786X
ISSN (Electronic)1996-756X


Conference40th Conference on Infrared Technology and Applications
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityBaltimore, MD


  • Astronomy
  • Electro-luminescence
  • InGaAs
  • Low noise
  • Low power
  • Low-light level
  • SWIR


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