Comparative study of flat and round collectors using a validated ID fluid probe model

P. Peleman, S. Jachmich, M. Van Schoor, G. Van Oost, W. Knaepen, C. Boucher

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In the literature two different types of Gundestrup-like probe designs are proposed: design with flat and with round collectors. In this paper we study the influence of different collector shapes of Gundestrup-like probes on the accuracy of the measurement of the parallel and perpendicular flows. A one dimensional fluid probe model is used for deducing both Mach numbers of the unperturbed flow from the probe data. An analytical expression relates the plasma flow to the measured ion saturation currents collected at the upstream and downstream collecting surfaces of the probe. For flat collectors, the analytical model is validated by comparing it to a two dimensional quasi-neutral Particle In Cell (PIC) simulation code. An extension of the theoretical model then allows us to study round collectors. We performed an accuracy study which showed that systematic errors are introduced when round collectors are employed for determination of the perpendicular flow which is systematically overestimated. The error can reach more than 70% when the perpendicular flow increases and when the angle of the collecting surface with respect to the magnetic field (θ → 0)is small. The correct analytical expression is applied to experimental data from Gundestrup probe measurements with round collectors on the CASTOR tokamak. The analysis shows that for these measurements the error introduced by using the expression for flat collectors remains negligible, supporting our former use of the model for flat collectors. A new advanced Gundestrup-like probe design and the motivation for the choice of flat collectors are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)422-426
Number of pages5
JournalContributions to Plasma Physics
Issue number5-6
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • Collectors
  • Fluid model
  • PIC


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