A crude model to study radio frequency induced density modification close to launchers

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The interplay between radio frequency (RF) waves and the density is discussed by adopting the general framework of a 2-time-scale multi-fluid treatment, allowing to separate the dynamics on the RF time scale from that on the time scale on which macroscopic density and flows vary as a result of the presence of electromagnetic and/or electrostatic fields. The focus is on regions close to launchers where charge neutrality is incomplete and waves are commonly evanescent. The fast time scale dynamics influences the slow time scale behavior via quasilinear terms (the Ponderomotive force for the case of the equation of motion). Electrons and ions are treated on the same footing. Also, both fast and slow waves are retained in the wave description. Although this work is meant as a subtopic of a large study - the wave induced "convective cell" physics at hand is of a 2- or 3-dimensional nature while this paper limits itself to a single dimension - a few tentative examples are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Article number122505
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2015


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