Joint European sYstem for Countering Unmanned Aerial Systems (jey CUAS)

Project: Research

Project Details

Goal of the project

EDIDP 2020 – Call EDIDP-CUAS 2020 Counter Unmanned Air Systems (UASs) Capabilities EDIDP - JEY Joint-European System for Countering C-UAS The project will cover study and design activities (capability gap analysis, CONOPS definition and preliminary requirements, system requirements review and preliminary design review. These development will be supported by partial tests illustrating and assessing the criticality of innovative and Promising concepts and technologies as well as of the overall system design for risk reduction

Role of the organisation

Participation to WP2 and WP4

Funding acknowledgement

EU Commission
Short titlejey C-UAS
Acronymjey C-UAS
Effective start/end date1/06/201/06/24

RHID domain

  • MSP


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