Hyperspectral Imaging Platform for the European Defence

Project: Research

Project Details

Goal of the project

The project aims to fill some of the current technological gaps in hyperspectral technologies in the defence sector by developing a technology demonstration device for remote sensing applications in space and from the air. The HYPER-IP project will improve the state of the art by developing an advanced miniaturised and militarised SWaP-C (Small Size, Weight, Power and Cost) demonstrator to achieve high performance in terms of signal-to-noise ratio and frame rate. The demonstrator will be integrated with a processing tool to enable real-time data understanding. The ultimate goal is the development of a hyperspectral system (imager and real-time processor) for use on small space platforms.

Role of the organisation

Within RMA, the the Hyperspectral Research Unit (HYPER RU) of the Mathematics Department (MWMW) is participating to this proposal.
As a research institute focusing on the security domain, RMA has a large experience in research topics related to real time detection, change detection and threat detection including soft target as chemicals and biological agents. The HYPER RU is a research unit that specializes in the integration, processing and analysis of hyperspectral sensors and sensing data for defence and security operations. Throughout the domain of sensors, this unit gained knowledge in object signature (real or simulated) and reconnaissance and identification performances of those sensors.
Short titleHyperspectral Imaging Platform for the European Defence
Effective start/end date11/12/2410/07/27

Collaborative partners

  • Royal Military Academy
  • Flysight Srl (lead)
  • National Institute of Optics of the National Research Council (INO)
  • IMEC
  • Leonardo S.p.A
  • Norsk Elektro Optikk AS


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