Projects per year
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MARSEUS: ModularARchitecture Solution for EU States
Neyt, X. (Promotor)
1/12/22 → 30/11/25
Project: Research
DAP/22-15: Artificial Intelligence-based threat assessment for C-UGS
Neyt, X. (Promotor)
1/07/22 → 30/06/26
Project: Research
DAP/21-11: Automatic, small-scale sea-floor characterization from high-resolution sonar data
Lopera Tellez, O. (Promotor), Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Arhant, Y. (Researcher)
1/09/21 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
DAP/21-04: Automated Artificial Intelligence-based large scale image analysis
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Stasolla, M. (Researcher)
1/07/21 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
VIRGA: Visible Infrarouge Radar Gestion Apparence
Neyt, X. (Promotor)
1/09/21 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
LynkEUs: Upgrade of current and development of next generation ground-bases precision strike capacilities
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Idrissa, M. (Researcher)
1/10/20 → 1/01/23
Project: Research
DAP/20-02: Artificial intelligence for persistent surveillance
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Idrissa, M. (Researcher)
1/07/20 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
DAP/19-04: Artificial intelligence for automated scene understanding for battlefield awareness
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Boeckx, K. (Researcher)
1/09/19 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
IRIS: Intelligent Recognition Imaging System
Neyt, X. (Promotor), Bellis, S. (Researcher), Lopez Rosson, A. (Researcher), Martens, P. (Researcher) & Boeckx, K. (Researcher)
1/02/19 → 1/04/22
Project: Research
BELSAR Science: Soil and crop monitoring from simultaneous mono- and bistatic radar observations (BELSAR)"
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Bettens, F. (Researcher)
1/12/18 → 1/04/22
Project: Research
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Stasolla, M. (Researcher)
1/12/18 → 30/06/21
Project: Research
RRADARJAM: Study of vulnerability of radar and lidar sensors used in cars
Neyt, X. (Promotor), Vandewal, M. (Promotor) & Fardeau, P. (Researcher)
1/01/18 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
DAP/17-04: Analyse des performances de méthodes de détection de micro-UAV par radar multi faisceaux
Neyt, X. (Promotor)
1/09/17 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
URSI 2017: URSI Benelux Forum 2017
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Kubica, V. (Researcher)
16/02/17 → 16/02/17
Project: Scientific event
EORegions-Science: EORegions-Science
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Stasolla, M. (Researcher)
1/11/16 → 31/08/18
Project: Research
Neyt, X. (Promotor), Kubica, V. (Researcher) & Bettens, F. (Promotor)
1/09/16 → 1/09/18
Project: Research
ROADRADAR: Radar multivoie de mesure du trafic routier
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Kubica, V. (Researcher)
1/04/16 → 31/03/18
Project: Research
EO Regions: EO Regions
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Stasolla, M. (Researcher)
1/04/16 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
DAP/16-9: Persistent surveillance using a UAV for IED detection
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Beumier, C. (Researcher)
1/01/16 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
DAP/16-8: Support au Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP)
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Lacroix, V. (Researcher)
1/01/16 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
DAP/16-7: Vehicle Mounted Early Warning for Indirect Indicators of IEDs
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Idrissa, M. (Researcher)
1/01/16 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
SCIRoCCo: Scatterometer Instrument Competence Centre
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & El Youncha, A. (Researcher)
1/07/14 → 1/07/16
Project: Research
SENSPORT: Détection des fuites dans les réseaux de transport d'eau par radar hyperfréquence
Neyt, X. (Promotor), Mahmoudzadeh Ardekani, M. R. (Researcher) & Nottebaere, M. (Researcher)
1/02/13 → 31/08/16
Project: Research
F/13-02: Interférométrie radar utilisant des émetteurs d'opportunité
Neyt, X. (Promotor)
1/01/13 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
SENSAR: Amélioration des images satellite d’humidité du sol par cartographie radar au sol à haute résolution
Neyt, X. (Promotor) & Nottebaere, M. (Researcher)
1/02/12 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
SIC/05: Modèle numérique de surface et applications
Neyt, X. (Promotor), Beumier, C. (Researcher) & Idrissa, M. (Researcher)
1/01/12 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
LIFE SPIN: Validation of centrifugation as a countermeasure for otolith deconditioning during spaceflight (SPIN) and validation of a specific drug against g-level transition induced spatial disorientation and orthostatic intolerance (SPIN-D).
Pattyn, N. (Promotor) & Neyt, X. (Researcher)
1/01/06 → 1/01/09
Project: Research