Polytechnic Faculty


Search results

  • 2018

    Integrated modelling of H-mode pedestal and confinement in JET-ILW

    JET Contributors, Jan 2018, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 60, 1, 014042.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Inter-ELM evolution of the edge current density in JET-ILW type i ELMy H-mode plasmas

    JET Contributorsa, 13 Jun 2018, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 60, 8, 085003.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Less is more: optimizing classification performance through feature selection in a very-high-resolution remote sensing object-based urban application

    Georganos, S., Grippa, T., Vanhuysse, S., Lennert, M., Shimoni, M., Kalogirou, S. & Wolff, E., 4 Mar 2018, In: GIScience and Remote Sensing. 55, 2, p. 221-242 22 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Light impurity transport in JET ILW L-mode plasmas

    JET Contributors, 18 Jan 2018, In: Nuclear Fusion. 58, 3, 036009.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Magnetic configuration effects on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator

    the W7-X Team, 1 Aug 2018, In: Nature Physics. 14, 8, p. 855-860 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • MHD spectroscopy of JET plasmas with pellets via Alfvén eigenmodes

    JET Contributors, 29 Jun 2018, In: Nuclear Fusion. 58, 8, 082008.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Modelling of JET hybrid plasmas with emphasis on performance of combined ICRF and NBI heating

    JET Contributors, 5 Sept 2018, In: Nuclear Fusion. 58, 10, 106037.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Modelling of radio frequency sheath and fast wave coupling on the realistic ion cyclotron resonant antenna surroundings and the outer wall

    Lu, L., Colas, L., Jacquot, J., Després, B., Heuraux, S., Faudot, E., Van Eester, D., Crombé, K., Křivská, A., Noterdaeme, J. M., Helou, W. & Hillairet, J., 11 Jan 2018, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 60, 3, 035003.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Multiscale modelling of the response of Ti-6AI-4V sheets under explosive loading

    Kakogiannis, D., Verleysen, P., Belkassem, B., Coghe, F. & Rabet, L., Sept 2018, In: International Journal of Impact Engineering. 119, p. 1-13 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Neutron spectroscopy measurements of 14 MeV neutrons at unprecedented energy resolution and implications for deuterium-tritium fusion plasma diagnostics

    Rigamonti, D., Giacomelli, L., Gorini, G., Nocente, M., Rebai, M., Tardocchi, M., Angelone, M., Batistoni, P., Cufar, A., Ghani, Z., Jednorog, S., Klix, A., Laszynska, E., Loreti, S., Pillon, M., Popovichev, S., Roberts, N., Thomas, D., Alfier, A. & Alkseev, A. & 1,202 others, Ash, A., Loving, A. B., Baciero, A., Baker, A., Baron Wiechec, A., Batista, A., Becoulet, A., Bisoffi, A., Boboc, A., Botrugno, A., Brett, A., Broslawski, A., Burckhart, A., Buscarino, A., Busse, A., Sips, A. C. C., Cardinali, A., Cenedese, A., Chankin, A., Cobalt, A., Cullen, A., Czarnecka, A., de Castro, A., Di Siena, A., Drenik, A., Ekedahl, A., Fanni, A., Fasoli, A., Fernades, A., Field, A., Figueiredo, A., Fil, A., Formisano, A., Meigs, A. G., Garcia-Carrasco, A., Goodyear, A., Goussarov, A., Nielsen, A. H., Hagar, A., Hakola, A., Hjalmarsson, A., Hollingsworth, A., Hubbard, A., Huber, A., Capel, A. J., Jardin, A., Jarvinen, A., Kallenbach, A., Kantor, A., Kappatou, A., Kinch, A., Kirk, A., Kirschner, A., Krasilnikov, A., Krivska, A., Kukushkin, A., Kundu, A., Lahtinen, A., Laing, A., Lasa, A., Lawson, A., Lazaros, A., Lescinskis, A., Loarte, A., Lukin, A., Lunniss, A., Lyssoivan, A., Edwards, A. M., Hynes, A. M., Whitehead, A. M., Widdowson, A. M., Malaquias, A., Malizia, A., Manning, A., Manzanares, A., Martin, A., Martin de Aguilera, A., Masiello, A., Meakins, A., Messiaen, A., Murari, A., Muraro, A., Neto, A., Owen, A., Vadgama, A. P., Page, A., Patel, A., Pau, A., Peackoc, A., Pereira, A., Petre, A., Pires dos Reis, A., Pironti, A., Horton, A. R., Talbot, A. R., Wilson, A. R., Rakha, A., Reed, A., Couchman, A. S., Jacobsen, A. S., Thrysoe, A. S., Salmi, A., Santucci, A., Shaw, A., Shepherd, A., Shevelev, A., Shumack, A., Silva, A., Sinha, A., Sirinelli, A., Somers, A., Sopplesa, A., Stevens, A., West, A. T., Thompson, A., Thornton, A., Uccello, A., Vitins, A., Morris, A. W., Weckmann, A., Withycombe, A., Wynn, A., Zarins, A., Aqsa Shabbir, B., Alper, B., Carvalho, B. B., Bauvir, B., Bazylev, B., Beckett, B., Bieg, B., Breizman, B., Cannas, B., Stevens, B. D., Whitehead, B. D., Ding, B., Esposito, B., Evans, B., Geiger, B., Goncalves, B., Graham, B., Grierson, B., Kos, B., Lipschultz, B., Lomanowski, B., Magesh, B., Duval, B. P., Regan, B., Santos, B., Sieglin, B., Slade, B., Tal, B., Viola, B., Wakeling, B., Thompson, C. A., Marren, C. A., Angioni, C., Appelbee, C., Ayres, C., Besliu, C., Bjorkas, C., Bottereau, C., Bourdelle, C., Bower, C., Bowman, C., Boyd, C., Castaldo, C., Clements, C., Corradino, C., Challis, C. D., Day, C., Di Troia, C., Fleming, C., Elsmore, C. G., Gil, C., Giroud, C., Grisolia, C., Guerard, C., Guillemaut, C., Gurl, C., Hogben, C. H. A., Hamlyn-Harris, C., Harrington, C., Hellesen, C., Hidalgo, C., Rapson, C. J., Jeong, C., Kennedy, C., King, C., Klepper, C., Hunter, C. L., Lane, C., Lowry, C., Luna, C., Maggi, C., Marchetto, C., Mazzotta, C., Grundy, C. N., Noble, C., Lungu, C. P., Paz Soldan, C., Penot, C., Perez von Thun, C., Porosnicu, C., Rayner, C., Reux, C., Roach, C., Ruset, C., Chang, C. S., Gibson, C. S., Silva, C., Sommariva, C., Sozzi, C., Stan-Sion, C., Taliercio, C., Tame, C., Verona, C., Waldon, C. W. F., Watts, C., Wellstood, C., Woodley, C., Young, C., Linsmeier, C., Homfray, D. A., Alegre, D., Baiao, D., Barnes, D., Borba, D., Borodin, D., Campling, D. C., Carralero, D., Chandra, D., Ciric, D., Clatworthy, D., Conka, D., Coombs, D., Cooper, D., Coster, D., Croft, D., Darrow, D., Douai, D., Dunai, D., Esteve, D., Gear, D. F., Fagan, D., Falie, D., Flammini, D., Frigione, D., Fuller, D., Galassi, D., Gallart, D., Gin, D., Grist, D., Guard, D., Harting, D., Hepple, D., Hillis, D., Iglesias, D., Kinna, D. J., Wilson, D. J., Karkinsky, D., Kenny, D., King, D., Kogut, D., Keeling, D. L., Leichtle, D., Witts, D. M., Marocco, D., Mazon, D., McDonald, D., Middleton-Gear, D., Molina, D., Moulton, D., Nishijima, D., Nodwell, D., Brown, D. P. D., Pacella, D., Paton, D., Pfefferle, D., Price, D., Pulley, D., Hatch, D. R., Reece, D., Refy, D., Reiser, D., Rendell, D., Samaddar, D., Sandiford, D., Schworer, D., Taylor, D., Tegnered, D., Terranova, D., Testa, D., Tskhakaya Jun, D., Ulyatt, D., Valcarcel, D., Van Eester, D., Robson, D. W., Wood, D., Yadikin, D., Young, D., Alessi, E., Alves, E., Andersson Sunden, E., Belonohy, E., Bruno, E., Cecil, E., Clark, E., de la Cal, E., de la Luna, E., Delabie, E., Fortuna-Zalesna, E., Highcock, E. G., Gauthier, E., Giovannozzi, E., Hodille, E., Joffrin, E., Khilkevich, E., Kowalska-Strzeciwilk, E., Lazzaro, E., Lerche, E., Letellier, E., Militello-Asp, E., Nardon, E., Nilsson, E., Pajuste, E., Pawelec, E., Peluso, E., Solano, E. R., Rachlew, E., Safi, E., Stefanikova, E., Tholerus, E., Veshchev, E., Viezzer, E., Wang, E., Zilli, E., Auriemma, F., Belli, F., Binda, F., Bonelli, F., Causa, F., Clairet, F., Crisanti, F., Degli Agostini, F., Di Maio, F., Durodie, F., Eriksson, F., Rimini, F. G., Hasenbeck, F., Imbeaux, F., Casson, F. J., Martinez, F. J., Jaulmes, F., Koechl, F., Leipold, F., Maviglia, F., Medina, F., Militello, F., Mink, F., Moro, F., Nabais, F., Nespoli, F., Orsitto, F., Keenan, F. P., Parra Diaz, F., Pisano, F., Pizzo, F., Reimold, F., Romanelli, F., Griph, F. S., Zaitsev, F. S., Saint-Laurent, F., Salzedas, F., Sartori, F., Spineanu, F., Subba, F., Villone, F., Ambrosino, G., Bodnar, G., Calabro, G., Chitarin, G., Ciraolo, G., Corrigan, G., Croci, G., Cseh, G., Ewart, G. D., De Masi, G., De Temmerman, G., De Tommasi, G., Evans, G. E., Ericsson, G., Evison, G., Matthews, G. F., Gervasini, G., Giruzzi, G., Hermon, G., van Rooij, G. J., Jones, G., Kaveney, G., Kizane, G., Kocsis, G., Liu, G., Hogeweij, G. M. D., Meisl, G., Miloshevsky, G., Nemtsev, G., Petravich, G., Pintsuk, G., Possnert, G., Prestopino, G., Pucella, G., Ramogida, G., Ratta, G., Ravera, G., Rubinacci, G., Rubino, G., Saibene, G., Sergienko, G., Sias, G., Stables, G., Stankunas, G., Stubbs, G., Szepesi, G., Huijsmans, G. T. A., Tvalashvili, G., Verona Rinati, G., Withenshaw, G., Verdoolaege, G., Telesca, G., Hornung, G., Arnichand, H., Bergsaker, H., Bufferand, H., Dabirikhah, H., Doerk, H., Fernandes, H., Esser, H. G., Greuner, H., Utoh, H. H., Boyer, H. J., Leggate, H. J., Maier, H., Meyer, H., Nordman, H., Summers, H. P., Patten, H., Koslowski, H. R., Strauss, H. R., Wilson, H. R., Kim, H. S., Sheikh, H., Sjostrand, H., Kim, H. T., Lambertz, H. T., Tojo, H., Urano, H., Weisen, H., Balboa, I., Bolshakova, I., Borodkina, I., Bykov, I., Calvo, I., Carvalho, I., Coffey, I., Duran, I., Jenkins, I., Jepu, I., Karnowska, I., Kodeli, I., Ksiazek, I., Lengar, I., Lupelli, I., Monakhov, I., Nedzelski, I., Nunes, I., Oswuigwe, I., Stamatelatos, I., Stepanov, I., Tiseanu, I., Turner, I., Uytdenhouwen, I., Vinyar, I., Voitsekhovitch, I., Young, I. D., Day, I. E., Coffey, I. H., Ivanova-Stanik, I., Pearson, I. J., Merrigan, I. R., Chapman, I. T., Zychor, I., Gardarein, J. L., Fessey, J. A., Girardo, J. B., Beal, J., Bernardo, J., Bielecki, J., Blackburn, J., Boom, J., Booth, J., Bucalossi, J., Buch, J., Buchanan, J., Byrne, J., Giacalone, J. C., Wright, J. C., Cane, J., Caumont, J., Citrin, J., Dankowski, J., Deane, J., Denis, J., Edmond, J., Edwards, J., Eriksson, J., Ferreira, J., Figueiredo, J., Flanagan, J., Fyvie, J., Galdon-Quiroga, J., Gallagher, J., Garcia, J., Godwin, J., Goff, J., Grzonka, J., Ahn, J. H., Harrison, J., Hawes, J., Hawkins, J., Hillairet, J., Hillesheim, J., Hobirk, J., Horacek, J., Lovell, J. J., Rasmussen, J. J., Jansons, J., Kaniewski, J., Karhunen, J., Keep, J., Kent, J., de Pablos, J. L., Lapins, J., Leddy, J., Lehmann, J., Linke, J., Lonnroth, J., Lopez-Razola, J., Bradshaw, J. M. A., Faustin, J. M., Fontdecaba, J. M., Lopez, J. M., Mailloux, J., McKehon, J., Miettunen, J., Mlynar, J., Morris, J., Ongena, J., Orszagh, J., Coad, J. P., Graves, J. P., Bizarro, J. P. S., Pozzi, J., Last, J. R., Martin-Solis, J. R., Regana, J., Risner, J., Rodriguez, J., Romazanov, J., Rzadkiewicz, J., Simpson, J., Simpson-Hutchinson, J., Sousa, J., Strachan, J., Svensson, J., Thomas, J., Uljanovs, J., Varje, J., Vega, J., Vicente, J., Banks, J. W., Coenen, J. W., Waterhouse, J., Weiland, J., Wilkinson, J., Williams, J., Wilson, J., Wright, J., Wu, J., Zacks, J., Johnston, J., Taylor, K. A., Bell, K., Blackman, K., Cave-Ayland, K., Lawson, K. D., Zastrow, K. D., Deakin, K., Dylst, K., Fenton, K., Flinders, K., McClements, K. G., Gal, K., Galazka, K., Hammond, K., Heinola, K., Hizanidis, K., Nicholls, K. J., Hoshino, K. K., Kamiya, K., Kirov, K., Krieger, K., Aggarwal, K. M., Maczewa, K., Mergia, K., Nordlund, K., Purahoo, K., Rathod, K., Riddle, K., Schmid, K., Schoepf, K., Slabkowska, K., Vasava, K., Crombé, K., Aho-Mantila, L., Amicucci, L., Appel, L., Avotina, L., Barrera Orte, L., Baylor, L., Bertalot, L., Carraro, L., Colas, L., Horton, L. D., Fazendeiro, L., Fittill, L., Forsythe, L., Fortuna, L., Frassinetti, L., Eriksson, L. G., Garzotti, L., Gil, L., Horvath, L., Hackett, L. J., Joita, L., Kogan, L., Laguardia, L., Li, L., Marot, L., Meneses, L., Moreira, L., Moser, L., Piron, L., Ruchko, L., Snoj, L., Swiderski, L., Taroni, L., Thorne, L., Packer, L. W., Yao, L., Barnard, M. A., Buckley, M. A., Abhangi, M., Afzal, M., Airila, M., Allinson, M., Anghel, M., Ariola, M., Bacharis, M., Balden, M., Barnes, M., Baruzzo, M., Bassan, M., Beckers, M., Beldishevski, M., Bellinger, M., Bernert, M., Berry, M., Beurskens, M., Bigi, M., Bowden, M., Brix, M., Brombin, M., Brown, M., Bulman, M., Carr, M., Cavinato, M., Cecconello, M., Chandler, M., Chernyshova, M., Clark, M., Cleverly, M., Curuia, M., Axton, M. D., Bright, M. D. J., De Bock, M., Dunne, M., Graham, M. E., Manso, M. E., Puiatti, M. E., Enachescu, M., Nave, M. F. F., Stamp, M. F., Faitsch, M., Firdaouss, M., Fitzgerald, M., Fortune, M., Frasca, M., Freisinger, M., O'Mullane, M. G., Yoo, M. G., Garcia-Munoz, M., Gelfusa, M., Gethins, M., Ghate, M., Gherendi, M., Goniche, M., Goodliffe, M., Gosk, M., Groth, M., Halitovs, M., Henderson, M., Hill, M., Hughes, M., Santala, M. I. K., Imrisek, M., Incelli, M., Irishkin, M., Stead, M. J., Kaufman, M., Kempenaars, M., Koeppen, M., Koubiti, M., Kovari, M., Kresina, M., Mayoral, M. L., Lehnen, M., Lennholm, M., Leyland, M., Lungaroni, M., Lungu, M., Turner, M. M., Mantsinen, M., Marinelli, M., Marinucci, M., Maslov, M., Mattei, M., Mayer, M., Medland, M., Moneti, M., Newman, M., O'Mullane, M., Oberkofler, M., Okabayashi, M., Cox, M. P., Park, M., Parsons, M., Peterka, M., Porton, M., Price, M., Hough, M. R., Wheatley, M. R., Rack, M., Reich, M., Reinhart, M., Reinke, M., Riva, M., Romanelli, M., Rubel, M., Ruiz, M., Rainford, M. S. J., Salewski, M., Schneider, M., Sertoli, M., Sibbald, M., Skiba, M., Smithies, M., Stephen, M., Szawlowski, M., Ogawa, M. T., Porfiri, M. T., Tokitani, M., Tomes, M., Towndrow, M., Tripsky, M., Tsalas, M., Turnyanskiy, M., Valentinuzzi, M., Valisa, M., Valovic, M., Van De Mortel, M., Vlad, M., Walker, M., Walsh, M., Weiszflog, M., Williams, M., Wischmeier, M., Zerbini, M., Benterman, N. A., Aiba, N., Ashikawa, N., Balshaw, N., Bekris, N., Ben Ayed, N., Bonanomi, N., Bulmer, N., Hawkes, N. C., Catarino, N., Conway, N., Cruz, N., den Harder, N., Dzysiuk, N., Fawlk, N., Fedorczak, N., Fonnesu, N., Grazier, N., Hayter, N., Imazawa, N., Butler, N. K., Krawczyk, N., Lam, N., Macdonald, N., Marcenko, N., Pace, N., Petrella, N., Pomaro, N., Green, N. R., Reid, N., Richardson, N., Smith, N., Teplova, N., Tipton, N., Vianello, N., Vora, N., Watkins, N. W., Walkden, N., Wang, N., Asunta, O., Bogar, O., Davies, O., Fevrier, O., Ficker, O., Pompilian, O. G., Kwon, O. J., Marchuk, O., McCormack, O., Hemming, O. N., Kent, O. N., Omolayo, O., Sauter, O., Coates, P. A., McCullen, P. A., Simmons, P. A., Tigwell, P. A., Abreu, P., Aleynikov, P., Arena, P., Bilkova, P., Blanchard, P., Blatchford, P., Boulting, P., Bunting, P., Buratti, P., Cahyna, P., Camp, P., Carman, P., Carvalho, P., Brennan, P. D., Dalgliesh, P., de Vries, P., Denner, P., Devynck, P., Dinca, P., Drewelow, P., Drews, P., Dumortier, P., Dutta, P., Finburg, P., Smith, P. G., Gaudio, P., Gohil, P., Grazier, P., Hawkins, P., Hertout, P., Huynh, P., Card, P. J., Howarth, P. J., Heesterman, P. J. L., Lomas, P. J., McCarthy, P. J., Pool, P. J., Jacquet, P., Knight, P., Leichuer, P., Macheta, P., Maget, P., Manas, P., Mantica, P., Nielsen, P., Pereira Puglia, P. P., Papp, P., Petersson, P., Piovesan, P., Prior, P., Puglia, P., Rodrigues, P., Beaumont, P. S., Sagar, P., Santa, P., Siren, P., Sonato, P., Staniec, P., Strand, P., Strom, P., Doyle, P. T., Lang, P. T., Tamain, P., Thomas, P., Tolias, P., Tonner, P., Trimble, P., Tsavalas, P., Vallejos Olivares, P., Vincenzi, P., Vondracek, P., Haydon, P. W., Duckworth, P., Maquet, P., Mertens, P., Albanese, R., Ambrosino, R., Bament, R., Barnsley, R., Bastow, R., Baughan, R., Bravanec, R., Budny, R., Felton, R. C., Lobel, R. C., Meadows, R. C., Cavazzana, R., Cesario, R., Clarkson, R., Coelho, R., Craven, R., Crowe, R., D'Inca, R., Dejarnac, R., Dumont, R., Dux, R., El-Jorf, R., King, R. F., Fresa, R., Galvao, R., Gomes, R., Goulding, R., Gowland, R., Grove, R., Guirlet, R., Hager, R., Henriques, R., Robins, R. J., Warren, R. J., Johnson, R., Kwiatkowski, R., Lawless, R., Lorenzini, R., Lucock, R. M. A., Makwana, R., Marshal, R., McAdams, R., McKean, R., Michling, R., Mooney, R., Moreno, R., Naish, R., Neu, R., Nouailletas, R., Dendy, R. O., Olney, R., Otin, R., Doerner, R. P., Paccagnella, R., Paprok, R., Pasqualotto, R., Pereira, R., Pitts, R., Prakash, R., Price, R., Proudfoot, R., Ragona, R., Roccella, R., Rodionov, R., Sabot, R., Salmon, R., Sartori, R., Scannell, R., Shaw, R., Skilton, R., Smith, R., Verhoeven, R., Walker, R., Wood, R., Young, R., Zagorski, R., Zanino, R., Pehkonen, S. P., Robinson, S. A., Abduallev, S., Arshad, S., Bailey, S., Bremond, S., Breton, S., Brezinsek, S., Chapman, S. C., Ceccuzzi, S., Coda, S., Collins, S., Conroy, S., Cortes, S., Cramp, S., Reyes Cortes, S. D. A., Scott, S. D., Dalley, S., Devaux, S., Dormido-Canto, S., Doswon, S., Dorling, S. E., Sharapov, S. E., Esquembri, S., Fietz, S., Foster, S., Futatani, S., Tyrrell, S. G. J., Gerasimov, S., Gilligan, S., Gloeggler, S., Hacquin, S., Hazel, S., Hollis, S., Gee, S. J., Hall, S. J., Knipe, S. J., Jachmich, S., Sipila, S. K., Knott, S., Kwak, S., Lanthaler, S., Lesnoj, S., Maruyama, S., Matejcik, S., McIntosh, S., Medley, S., Meigh, S., Meitner, S., Menmuir, S., Meshchaninov, S., Mianowski, S., Minucci, S., Moradi, S., Mordijck, S., Mosher, S., Murphy, S., Hallworth Cook, S. P., Hotchin, S. P., Palazzo, S., Pamela, S., Panja, S., Pathak, S., Peruzzo, S., Peschanyi, S., Potzel, S., Cooper, S. R., Ranjan, S., Ratynskaia, S., Reynolds, S., Romanelli, S., Rowe, S., Henderson, S. S., Saarelma, S., Schmuck, S., Silburn, S., Soare, S., Spagnolo, S., Talebzadeh, S., Varoutis, S., Vartanian, S., Villari, S., Warder, S., Whetham, S., Wiesen, S., Wray, S., Wukitch, S., Zoletnik, S., Ahlgren, T., Biewer, T., Bolzonella, T., Boyce, T., Hender, T. C., Craciunescu, T., Dittmar, T., Donne, T., Franke, T., Franklin, T., Giegerich, T., Hellsten, T., Smith, T. J., Johnson, T., Keenan, T., Kobuchi, T., Koskela, T., Kurki-Suonio, T., Loarer, T., Luce, T., Huddleston, T. M., Makkonen, T., Markovic, T., May-Smith, T., Nakano, T., Nicolas, T., O'Gorman, T., Odupitan, T., Powell, T., Blackman, T. R., Robinson, T., Schlummer, T., Spelzini, T., Szabolics, T., Jones, T. T. C., Suzuki, T. T., Tala, T., Vasilopoulou, T., Vu, T., Wauters, T., Xu, T., Eich, T., Puetterich, T., Fischer, U., Kruezi, U., Losada, U., Samm, U., Aldred, V., Amosov, V., Aslanyan, V., Basiuk, V., Bobkov, V., Braic, V., Coccorese, V., Cocilovo, V., Edappala, V., Fuchs, V., Goloborod'ko, V., Haupt, V., Huber, V., Kazantzidis, V., Kiptily, V., Krasilnikov, V., Naulin, V., Parail, V., Petrzilka, V., Philipps, V., Plyusnin, V., Prajapati, V., Riccardo, V., Rohde, V., Schmidt, V., Stephen, V., Yavorskij, V., Zoita, V., Thompson, V. K., Lo Schiavo, V. P., Neverov, V. S., Broeckx, W., Davis, W., Helou, W., Leysen, W., Studholme, W., Tang, W., Van Renterghem, W., Pires de Sa, W. W., Yanling, W., Zhang, W., Gao, X., Lefebvre, X., Litaudon, X., Austin, Y., Camenen, Y., Corre, Y., Baranov, Y. F., Gao, Y., Kazakov, Y., Kominis, Y., Liang, Y., Liu, Y., Marandet, Y., Martin, Y., Martynova, Y., Miyoshi, Y., Peysson, Y., Na, Y. S., Zhou, Y., Ul-Abidin, Z. & Vizvary, Z., 8 Mar 2018, In: Measurement Science and Technology. 29, 4, 045502.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Observation of enhanced ion particle transport in mixed H/D isotope plasmas on JET

    JET Contributors, 4 Jun 2018, In: Nuclear Fusion. 58, 7, 076022.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Open Access
  • On the use of transfer entropy to investigate the time horizon of causal influences between signals

    JET Contributors, 2018, In: Entropy. 20, 9, 627.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Parametrization of reflectometry fluctuation frequency spectra for systematic study of fusion plasma turbulence

    Sun, Y., Sabot, R., Hornung, G., Heuraux, S., Hacquin, S. & Verdoolaege, G., 1 Jul 2018, In: Review of Scientific Instruments. 89, 7, 073504.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Patched 1 Expression Correlates with Biochemical Relapse in High-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients

    Gonnissen, A., Isebaert, S., Perneel, C., McKee, C. M., Van Utterbeeck, F., Lerut, E., Verrill, C., Bryant, R. J., Joniau, S., Muschel, R. J. & Haustermans, K., Mar 2018, In: American Journal of Pathology. 188, 3, p. 795-804 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Random Subsampling and Data Preconditioning for Ground Penetrating Radars

    Cristofani, E., Becquaert, M., Lambot, S., Vandewal, M., Stiens, J. H. & Deligiannis, N., 7 May 2018, In: IEEE Access. 6, p. 26866-26880 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Random walk on temporal networks with lasting edges

    Petit, J., Gueuning, M., Carletti, T., Lauwens, B. & Lambiotte, R., 20 Nov 2018, In: Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 98, 5, 052307.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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  • Open Access
  • Real-time protection of the JET ITER-like wall based on near infrared imaging diagnostic systems

    Huber, A., Kinna, D., Huber, V., Arnoux, G., Sergienko, G., Balboa, I., Balorin, C., Carman, P., Carvalho, P., Collins, S., Conway, N., McCullen, P., Drenik, A., Jachmich, S., Jouve, M., Linsmeier, C., Lomanowski, B., Lomas, P. J., Lowry, C. G. & Maggi, C. F. & 10 others, Matthews, G. F., Meigs, A., Mertens, P., Nunes, I., Price, M., Puglia, P., Riccardo, V., Rimini, F. G., Widdowson, A. & Zastrow, K. D., 9 Aug 2018, In: Nuclear Fusion. 58, 10, 106021.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Reinforced concrete beam-column inverted knee joint behaviour after ground corner column loss-numerical analysis

    Abdelwahed, B. S., Belkassem, B. & Vantomme, J., 10 Sept 2018, In: Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures. 15, 10, e122.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Scenario development for the observation of alpha-driven instabilities in JET DT plasmas

    JET Contributors, 29 Jun 2018, In: Nuclear Fusion. 58, 8, 082005.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Stability of static conjugate heat transfer coupling approaches using Robin interface conditions

    Scholl, S., Janssens, B. & Verstraete, T., 30 Aug 2018, In: Computers and Fluids. 172, p. 209-225 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Study of the carbonization temperature for a chemically activated carbon: influence on the textural and structural characteristics and surface functionalities

    Tazibet, S., Velasco, L. F., Lodewyckx, P., Abou M’Hamed, D. & Boucheffa, Y., 1 Apr 2018, In: Journal of Porous Materials. 25, 2, p. 329-340 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Systematic study of the role played by ZnCl2 during the carbonization of a chemically activated carbon by TG–MS and DSC

    Tazibet, S., Velasco, L. F., Lodewyckx, P., Abou M’Hamed, D. & Boucheffa, Y., 1 Dec 2018, In: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 134, 3, p. 1395-1404 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • TAE stability calculations compared to TAE antenna results in JET

    JET Contributors, 29 Jun 2018, In: Nuclear Fusion. 58, 8, 082007.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Textural and functional modifications of activated carbons subjected to severe storing conditions

    Boutillara, Y., Velasco, L. F., Lodewyckx, P. & De Weireld, G., 1 Oct 2018, In: Adsorption. 24, 7, p. 601-612 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Theory of a cylindrical Langmuir probe parallel to the magnetic field and its calibration with interferometry

    Usoltceva, M., Faudot, E., Ledig, J., Devaux, S., Heuraux, S., Zadvitskiy, G. V., Ochoukov, R., Moritz, J., Crombé, K. & Noterdaeme, J. M., 1 Oct 2018, In: Review of Scientific Instruments. 89, 10, 10J124.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Open Access
  • Tree detection with low-cost three-dimensional sensors for autonomous navigation in orchards

    Durand-Petiteville, A., Le Flecher, E., Cadenat, V., Sentenac, T. & Vougioukas, S., 2018, In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 3, 4, p. 3876-3883 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Turbulent transport stabilization by ICRH minority fast ions in low rotating JET ILW L-mode plasmas

    Bonanomi, N., Mantica, P., Di Siena, A., Delabie, E., Giroud, C., Johnson, T., Lerche, E., Menmuir, S., Tsalas, M. & Van Eester, D., 4 Apr 2018, In: Nuclear Fusion. 58, 5, 056025.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Very High Resolution Object-Based Land Use-Land Cover Urban Classification Using Extreme Gradient Boosting

    Georganos, S., Grippa, T., Vanhuysse, S., Lennert, M., Shimoni, M. & Wolff, E., Apr 2018, In: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 15, 4, p. 607-611 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Wall conditioning by ECRH discharges and He-GDC in the limiter phase of Wendelstein 7-X

    Wauters, T., Brakel, R., Brezinsek, S., Dinklage, A., Goriaev, A., Laqua, H. P., Marsen, S., Moseev, D., Stange, T., Schlisio, G., Pedersen, T. S., Volzke, O. & Wenzel, U., 20 Apr 2018, In: Nuclear Fusion. 58, 6, 066013.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Wall conditioning throughout the first carbon divertor campaign on Wendelstein 7-X

    W7-X Team, Dec 2018, In: Nuclear Materials and Energy. 17, p. 235-241 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2017

    3D simulations of gas puff effects on edge plasma and ICRF coupling in JET

    Zhang, W., Jacquet, P., Lerche, E., Bilato, R., Bobkov, V., Coster, D., Feng, Y., Guillemaut, C., Goniche, M., Harting, D., Lunt, T., Noterdaeme, J. M., Szepesi, G. & Van Eester, D., 7 Apr 2017, In: Nuclear Fusion. 57, 5, 056042.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Air-blast response of sacrificial cladding using low density foams: Experimental and analytical approach

    Ousji, H., Belkassem, B., Louar, M. A., Reymen, B., Martino, J., Lecompte, D., Pyl, L. & Vantomme, J., Aug 2017, In: International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 128-129, p. 459-474 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • A PIC-MCC code RFdinity1d for simulation of discharge initiation by ICRF antenna

    Tripský, M., Wauters, T., Lyssoivan, A., Bobkov, V., Schneider, P. A., Stepanov, I., Douai, D., Van Eester, D., Noterdaeme, J. M. & Van Schoor, M., 5 Oct 2017, In: Nuclear Fusion. 57, 12, 126043.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Armor's ballistic resistance simulation using stochastic process modeling

    Tahenti, B., Coghe, F., Nasri, R. & Pirlot, M., 1 Apr 2017, In: International Journal of Impact Engineering. 102, p. 140-146 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Assessment of Non-Lethal Projectile Head Impacts

    Oukara, A., Nsiampa, N., Robbe, C. & Papy, A., 1 Dec 2017, In: Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety. 1, 1, 3.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Axisymmetric global Alfvén eigenmodes within the ellipticity-induced frequency gap in the Joint European Torus

    JET Contributors, 1 Dec 2017, In: Physics of Plasmas. 24, 12, 122505.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Open Access
  • Commissioning and first results of the reinstated JET ICRF ILA

    JET Contributors, Nov 2017, In: Fusion Engineering and Design. 123, p. 285-288 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Cone Metrics: A New Tool for the Intercomparison of Scatterometer Records

    Rivas, M. B., Stoffelen, A., Verspeek, J., Verhoef, A., Neyt, X. & Anderson, C., May 2017, In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 10, 5, p. 2195-2204 10 p., 7839297.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X limiter plasmas

    Team, W. X., Hirsch, M., Dinklage, A., Alonso, A., Fuchert, G., Bozhenkov, S., Höfel, U., Andreeva, T., Baldzuhn, J., Beurskens, M., Bosch, H. S., Beidler, C. D., Biedermann, C., Blanco, E., Brakel, R., Burhenn, R., Buttenschön, B., Cappa, A., Czarnecka, A. & Endler, M. & 47 others, Estrada, T., Fornal, T., Geiger, J., Grulke, O., Harris, J. H., Hartmann, D., Jakubowski, M., Klinger, T., Knauer, J., Kocsis, G., König, R., Kornejew, P., Krämer-Flecken, A., Krawczyk, N., Krychowiak, M., Kubkowska, M., Ksiazek, I., Langenberg, A., Laqua, H. P., Lazerson, S., Maaßberg, H., Marushchenko, N., Marsen, S., Moncada, V., Moseev, D., Naujoks, D., Otte, M., Pablant, N., Pasch, E., Pisano, F., Rahbarnia, K., Schröder, T., Stange, T., Stephey, L., Szepesi, T., Sunn Pedersen, T., Trimino Mora, H., Thomsen, H., Tsuchiya, H., Turkin, Y., Wauters, T., Weir, G., Wenzel, U., Werner, A., Wolf, R., Wurden, G. A. & Zhang, D., 14 Jun 2017, In: Nuclear Fusion. 57, 8, 086010.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Correlation analysis for energy losses, waiting times and durations of type i edge-localized modes in the Joint European Torus

    Shabbir, A., Verdoolaege, G., Hornung, G., Kardaun, O. J. W. F. & Zohm, H., Mar 2017, In: Nuclear Fusion. 57, 3, 036026.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Counter Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems

    Buric, M. & De Cubber, G., 2017, In: MTA Review. 27, 1

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Design of an ICRF system for plasma–wall interactions and RF plasma production studies on TOMAS

    Louche, F., Wauters, T., Ragona, R., Möller, S., Durodié, F., Litnovsky, A., Lyssoivan, A., Messiaen, A., Ongena, J., Petersson, P., Rubel, M., Brezinsek, S., Linsmeier, C. & Schoor, M. V., Nov 2017, In: Fusion Engineering and Design. 123, p. 317-320 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Development of an ICRH antenna system at W7-X for plasma heating and wall conditioning

    the W7-X Team, Nov 2017, In: Fusion Engineering and Design. 123, p. 303-308 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review